The bloodthirsty bats liked to drink blood. Once you had been bitten by them, you would feel sick. While the bloodthirsty bat bit and drank your blood, it also injected something into your body. Even Bai Xifeng still did not know what kind of liquid had been injected. She would ask for the liquid from the bloodthirsty bat for some research.
The ones who disturbed Bai Xiang were some people who had been hired by Bai Guowei. When he found out that Bai Xiang was in the process of a breakthrough, he wanted to disturb Bai Xiang to make Bai Xiang fail. Of course, he did not dare to come by himself. That was why he hired other people to do it.
He still did not know that the people he hired already failed the task. They had been bitten by something. They also did not know what bit them since it was in the dark. Right now, they could feel something was not wrong. They felt hot.