The Emperor asked about the reason. Bai Xiang nonchalantly told the emperor about the incident. He did not want to be accused by others again. Since his late father had used the crest, he was sure that the Bai Family also wanted to use the previous crest. It would be better if he changed to the new crest.
Well, Bai Guowei indeed made the officer promise not to tell the emperor about this. But Bai Xiang never wanted to keep it a secret.
After hearing that, the emperor agreed to let Bai Xiang change the crest. However, the emperor wanted to see the new crest first. So, Bai Xiang showed the crest that he wanted to use.
When the emperor saw the crest, he was stunned. The crest had a phoenix inside it. He asked Bai Xiang about the meaning of this phoenix. Bai Xiang told him that he designed it because of his element attribute. Fire. So, the strongest beast that came to mind at that time was a fire phoenix.