
Me and my sister continued to walk around, quietly observing the non humans and those who pretended to be human.

My sister seemed almost in a daze... as if she wasnt quite awake. She almost reminded me of a sleepwalker.

I looked constantly around, searching the faces of the non human beings. There was someone that I was hoping to see... someone I have not seen for many years, ever since I was a small child. But search as I might, none of the faces were familiar to me, much to my disappointment.

As the night wore on, I had a feeling that told me that it was time to return home.

'Perhaps the entrance that we entered through would soon close, trapping us in this world...?' I wondered, as I pulled my sister back towards the fish market that we had come out of. 'Or maybe the doorway is only open at certain times or on special days?'

There was still so much in this world that I wanted to see... to experience. I was so eager to learn about all the races of beings that seemed to coexist, to study their ways and cultures, but the need to hurry and leave this world got stronger, urging me on towards the fish market.

Finally, the fish market was in sight. I felt relief as we stepped back into the fish market,    while at the same time I felt a little sad as well, though my outward expression was calm.

I felt relief because I knew that we were now safe, yet I felt sad because a part of me didn't want to leave just yet.

I hoped that I would be able to soon return again, to see all the frightening yet fascinating people that walked about the night market.

Mae and I walked through the fish market, which changed into the butcher shop as we continued walking.

Finally we reached the front door of the butcher shop. Pulling it open, I stepped out of the butcher shop with my sister still holding on to my hand.

That was the last thing I remembered.

The next morning, I woke up in my bed. Visions of the night market flashed through my head.

"Was it all just a dream then?" I wondered outloud, as I sat up in my bed.

As I sat up, something fell from my hand to the floor. Standing up, I bend over to pick it up, wondering what it was.

My eyes widened as I saw what it was.

It was a keychain, in the shape of a key.