
   Startled, the nonhuman boy looked around, but didn't see her. Shuffling around, he searched the alleyway, but the human girl was no where to be found. She was truly gone... with her energy signature lingering in the same spot where she had been sitting just moments ago. Briefly, the boy wondered how it was even possible... if, perhaps, that the girl could somehow teleport. But then he began to worry, wondering if someone had teleported her away and captured her.

   So he began to search, following her energy trail to the same spot where she had first appeared. There, the trail ended, confusing the nonhuman child even more.

   It was almost as if she had appeared out of thin air, according to her energy trail. 'Perhaps she could teleport?' the boy thought to himself uncertainly, for it was still unclear if the human had vanished of her own free will or if another entity had taken her. The boy knew that humans were hated by the other races, and that if others saw her that she would soon be either eaten, killed, or enslaved.

   Worry about the human girl began to gnaw at the boy. Feeling extremely anxious, he decided to search for her, starting around the area where she had vanished, then working his way throughout the whole city. Hours turned into days, but he never found her, even though he had carefully searched the entire city. So he began to travel, searching from city to city, from town to town, even venturing out into the deep wilderness. He traveled throughout the whole planet searching, with the weeks turning into months, the months turning into years. Yet, there was still no sign of her, no trace of her energy signature to be found. The stray thought passed through the older boy's mind that perhaps she had been killed or eaten, but he didn't believe it, for though he wasn't sure how it was possible, he could still sensed that she lived through the bond that they shared from their brief meeting.

   So he continued searching, even watching from the shadows the slave auctions where human slaves were sold to the highest bidder to be eaten or used as their owners wished. Many of these humans would not last long, and those who did often wished to die. Though the boy did not like humans, his hearts trembled at the thought of having the human girl he was searching for meet the same fate as the other humans who were sold into slavery. Seeing the abuse that was done to those human slaves made him think about her, and he felt a fierce desire to protect the human girl from having the same thing happen to her. A growl would rumble deep in his throat at the mere thought of anyone even trying to hurt her, and if anyone killed her... he snarled at the thought.

   While at one of the slave auctions, he overheard from one of the slavers about a place where humans lived openly, and where nonhumans had to hide from human knowledge and sight. The slave trader had just kidnapped his human slaves from that planet. The humans who lived there called that planet 'Earth.'

   When he heard this, the boy's hearts leaped within him, and he felt certain that he would find his human in this place called 'Earth.'