Beneath and Underneath

To keep themselves away from falling the two secured one end of their rope to the metal railings of the window and the other end on their harness.

By the roof of ths house, one can get a good view of the vicinity. It's already dark but one could still figure out the silhouette of those walking dead aimlessly navigating the streets.

She's still tweaking with the PVC pipe, adding a lazer pointer and attaching one of its end to a portable air pump which was developed by Vraizen's weaponry. It runs by either batteries or solar power, not only that but it also functions like an air compressor.

"Just what is that?" Al asked, as he observe Lane assembling the pieces like a pro.

"Blowgun with more oof," she said a-matter-of-factly.

"With more oof?"

"Yeah instead of my lungs doing the work why not be efficient and have pressurized air up the ante," she answered. It seems that she doesn't like being bothered when she's this focus so Alfred just decided to shut his mouth.

When she was finished, Lane placed the blowgun beside her. "I can't really go with the details with this bad boy since this is physics stuff not really my forte. This compressor/pump pushes and pull the ammo in this case this nail. Think of it like a slingshot that instead of elastic we use air," she explained. Al listened intently. It made him realize how easy it is to make a weapon even more so for those who has the resources to make them.

Falling into a daze, Lane run her fingers on the newly assembled blowgun. "Hey aren't your eyes tired?" Alfred asked. Looking at Lane right now the rims of her eyes are starting to get red. She also doesn't seem to have heard what he had said, her eyes staring at the horizon. To his judgement, he rummage through her tactical pack to find a small bottle of eye drops.

"Your lenses are drying out..."

Tapping her shoulder, Al handed her the open solution.

"Huh? Oh right, thank you..." she accepted it then proceed to place a few drops on each of her eyes.

"So... Penny for your thoughts?"

Lane thought of it for a while if she should share with him what occured that morning. The things bugging her mind isn't exactly fit for public knowledge but then again this Alfred she's talking with. She begun sharing Ishi's findings omitting details regarding the mission assigned to Vif and her.

"I've been meaning to ask..." he hesistantly trailed.

"Ask away!" she grinned.

"How did you end up being, Lady Four? Trixie did say you were friends with Ian but being friends isn't exactly one way ticket to the top. Not to mention friends don't just hand positions in a mafia especially one as big as Vraizen..."

She was stunned at first but still open up about the mystery that is her.

"Ian and I go way back in 3rd grade. He's that friendly kid fast forward to freshman year in highschool and I was bullied. 13 year old nerd, on the heavier side of the spectrum, unpopular and def not charismatic. It's one of those days where I was bawling my eyes out by lockers near the washroom, he saw me. He tried to cheer me up seeing as his methods doesn't seem to be working he proposed revenge plan which at that time I haven't had my head on. What I didn't know was, that night he asked his parents to arrange an exchange program to a school in Country F with our school. He and I along with three others were chosen for that program. It was a 5 month stay in Country F all expenses paid. During our time there he had gone hardcore with my glow up, he made me workout with him, drill the ins and outs of managing a business, had various dermatologist tend to my teenage breakout, and just about anything. I still remember the shock faces of those bullies saying I was too young for plastic surgery and the like. Eventually I just learned to ignore them and put my focus on my studies and learning more and more about the economy and the industry from Ian. By the time we were 15 he opened up to me about the whole Le Vraizen Vin and Uncle Louie his dad, offered me a part time job in one of their legitimate businesses. It was during a Christmas party then when I met Dux. He was just 18 and was just elected as fifth seat, I actually served as his personal assistant. He was finishing his degree in Economics then, while managing corporate affairs at Colozo Holdings alongside his training. Being his PA practically forced me to train with him, he became like a brother to me considering he was just 3 years older. I was roped to it all, and decided to enter the organization. Vif and I entered Vraizen about the same time. I trained, work my ass off in learning business tactics and since I kept everything a secret from my parents which was easy by the way since they're always out of the country. I also have to keep my standing in school, honor student, varsity player as well as managing editor of the school paper. I almost forgot how tiring it was and just how I made it through. By April, when I was 16 when I was placed 5th and Dux was seated 1st. I'm sure Eshton had explained to you how this election of executives work right? Well you see, Dux is different from all of us, even Rusé, Lady Two? She was supposed to become 1st seat but Dux had grabbed it under her as soon as he had graduated. He, I don't see the limits of his ability. 3 months more and I was promoted 4th seat. We were well compensated while working for Colozo Holdings. Being with Vraizen however is more lucrative. Le Jardin was actually a gift to me, when I developed the self sufficiency system for the various skyscrapers here, especially the new building for Colozo Holdings. You'll be surprised how many millions they had saved just by cutting electricity and having their own water treatment plant..."

She also shared some nonclassified missions she took for Vraizen, various anecdotes of how lucrative everything was. She also hinted that the defenses, of McKenzie point was designed by her as well earning the nickname Great Fortress, the walled City of McKenzie Point. They continued with their conversation, Alfred also sharing his experiences back in highschool where he was also bullied. Not long they fell in comfortable silence and intently watching what is happening down the streets. However not long they drifted to slumber. Maybe due to everything that had happened that day, their bodies can no longer function.

Before the first ray of sun reach, Al had woken up and on his shoulders was Lane's head resting oh so peacefully. But his attention completely shifted to the things happening by the ground.

"Lane! Lane! Leanna wake up," he said as tapped her shoulders.

A number of undead were walking aimlessly by the grounds, their number is one that could make them both wary. One sound, and the situation could take a route to hell. Taking two deep breaths, Lane counted the number of undead in the vicinity. From what she could see there are 20 of them.

Grabbing the PVC pipe she tweaked yesterday, she placed a nail inside of it then turned the air compressor on. Because it was developed by Vraizen, the lab had made sure it doesn't produce any sound when working, only the constant blinking green light would indicate that it is on. In swift movements she fired the DIY nail ammo in rapid succession. Never missing a beat, she perfectly scrapped the nape of the undead. They dropped dead, just like that.

"Want to try?" she said as she noticed only five are left.

Stunned, Al accepted the blowgun. Lane gave instructions on how to operate it. It's quite simple, really. The air compressor serves as the trigger as well as replacement for gunpowder and the lazer pointer is added bonus for aiming. He gingerly aimed for the glabela in between their brows. As soon as he flicked the compressor, bulls eye, the nail burrowing head deep. But it didn't stop them from moving.

"Wow. Even better than Fraisé when he first used something like this," she grinned. However Al is still confused at the result. Noticing this, she begun to explain.

"Unlike your sword or my dagger that 3 inch nail doesn't do much of a damage in the brain to shut it down. So instead, go with the nape if you cut the spinal cord, it's just the same. But you can do that glabela thing if you're near enough, it's basically gun with nails for ammo..." she said pointing at the other undead as if saying try again. And so he did, this time perfectly shutting them down.

"Alright, I don't know about you but I do need coffee..." she said untying the knot in her suspenders.

Entering through the window, Lane quickly went to her bedroom and grabbed a pair of underwear from her closet. Plugging the electric kettle, she dashed to get a quick shower. In her clean state, she went to pantry to prepare breakfast but she noticed something. Shrugging it, she just went to get some eggs and instant stir fry noodles. When she is done she went upstairs again to call Alfred. "You can take a shower after if you want. I still have things to look into before we set off again..."

Taking her advice, Al feasted on the meal then have himself cleaned up. Since she prepared everything using disposable utensils, all she had to do is place them to the trash can. When everything is done, Lane went to her father's study. She knows that they had security cameras installed around the house. So she decided to open her father's computer, luckily it doesn't have a password. Other than footage, a personal computer could contain a lot of important information so even though she had found what she was looking for. Lane still explore every nook and cranny of the PC. From surfing history to bookmarks and bank statements everything could help her figure out where her father is.

Her gaze run across the lines of her father's bank statement. As a top Engineer her father, is well compensated she knew this much but there's a particular account number that makes her feel queasy but can't put a finger on it. She would have rummage more but seeing the time, Lane decided to just copy everything including the footage. Removing the dog tag on her neck, she slid the engraved 3, revealing a USB plug. It's thin and compact but it can store up to 2TB of data. One of the many perks of being so high up in Vraizen. You have access to any and all resources.

She copied all of the files she think is important like passport log notes, bank statements, projects assuming he had took one that would require him on site and of course the security footages. She would have run some of the footage if they weren't scarce on time. They still have to drop by the Government military base and Heaven knows how difficult to thread that 15 km. And as if on cue, Al appeared by the door. His hair is still damped, he looks more refresh this way.

"Isn't it a bit much that you packed your cologne with you?" she chuckled as she shutdown the PC.

"Like you're one to talk?" he laughed.

Handling the dog tag to him, Lane made her way back to the rooftop. "Don't give that to anyone, ok?" He had an inquisitive look, but still nodded. He turned the tag and saw the number 3 engraved on one side and the tiny A at the bottom and tiny L on the flip side. Obediently he wore it but removing the other one that was hanging on his neck.

"Then wouldn't you be needing this?" he called, tossing the one he was wearing. It looks physically similar to what was given to him, except for the missing L. The flipside was blank and doesn't have that special flashdrive feature. "Thank you," she gratefully accepted it, wearing it around her neck.

Now that they're back at the rooftop, both began to scan the surroundings. They were a few undead roaming the streets, walking aimlessly.

But suddenly there was a high frequency sound, practically painful to the ears was heard. Barely opening their eyes because of the pain, both Lane and Al saw the unexpected. As if there's a force field around, the aimless undead slammed to a hidden wall and was being pushed back. It seems this hidden wall, prohibits them from entering the perimeter. And the area seems to expand, a rough estimate wouldbe it covered about 200 meters.

"What was that?" Al asked, flabbergasted. However the person he's asking doesn't seem to hear him at all. She was loss in her thoughts, eyes fixated at what was happening out there. Minutes passed and Lane begun to move, jumping back inside through the window. Running back to the study, she booted the PC again. Going through the footages, from the few weeks ago. As the time stamp progress forward, her heart sunk deeper and deeper.

"It can't be..."

But before she could process everything, Al appeared his voice is laced with urgency.

"A signal from McKenzie. 5 black flares..."