The beginning

I sat on the carpet and munched on stale doritos.

"Yuck... I should really get something better."

I stood up and dusted my fingers on my shorts. A 'slob' is what everyone around me referred to me as, and they weren't wrong.

Sighing, I hit the pause button on my current game of obession. It didn't matter what it was called, since I'd move on to the next one in a week.

I tiredly trudged up the basement steps when I heard a voice call out to me.

"Ethan, is that you?!"

I grumbled and contemplated just hiding back in the basement.

"Yes, that is you!! Come out before I drag you out myself!"

Whoops. Guess running away wasn't an option now.

"Yeah Mom? What is it?"

She turned to me, eyes blazing.

"You can't just hole yourself in the basement forever!"

"Actually, yes, I can."

"I don't know what happened to you! You were such a bright young man, and now..."

I didn't want to deal with this.

"I'm going to take a shower."

It was a good idea, considering I don't even remember the last time I took one.

I ignored her loud comments and headed to the bathroom.

I headed to the sink to wash my face. I looked at myself in the mirror.

God, I was a mess. My thick black hair was matted to my scalp with sweat. My eyes had huge bags underneath them, and my skin looked even paler than usual.

I ignored the nagging voice in the back of my head that said, "Hey, maybe you should try not to look like a corpse!" and splashed my face with water. After feeling slightly better, I moved my hand to close the faucet.

But it wouldn't close.


The water continued running until it filled the entire sink. Once that was filled, water started running down to the floor.

Something was wrong.

I made a move to the door to try and get out, but I slipped on the floor and fell with a THUD!


I struggled to get up, but it was futile. The water continued to flow until it reached the ceiling. I couldn't breathe, couldn't move.

So this is the end..




I blinked.

Underneath my back was the softest mattress I'd ever laid on. My eyes were fuzzy with exhaustion, and it took a couple of blinks for me to clear the discomfort from my head.

I squinted to try and focus, but it was too dark. Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the dark. I was expecting to see the dull ceiling of the basement but instead...

The ceiling was covered in intricate gold and silver patterns and was high up in the air.

What... the...

I felt something next to me stir. I looked over in trepidation only to see the most gorgeous man in existence.

It was hard to make out his features clearly in the dark, but his hair fell over his face in an elegant, regal way. His bare chest was sculpted like an athlete. A glowing tattoo perched on his neck added to his appeal.


I didn't realize I'd said it aloud until I saw his eyes open rapidly.


In an instant, I was pinned to the wall, a dagger to my neck.

The man's elegant yet threatening voice came out,

"Who are you, and what do you want with the Prince of Zebidaya?!"

In my confusion, I stammered, "Wah... huh...?

"Don't play dumb! Guards!"

Quickly, I was surrounded by men in medieval style cosplay.

What have I gotten myself into this time...?