I looked at Rafael and waited for him to explain further.
He breathed deeply and placed a hand on his forehead.
"There's nothing else to the matter. I've been loyal since the day." he finished.
"So basically, this is like your job?" I asked.
"Yes. But I take my duties seriously." he replied.
"Hm... then what company are you from?" I asked.
"Huh?" he replied.
"Well, if you've been contracted, your actual employer is from a different company right?" I asked.
"What a 'company'?" he asked.
"Wait a minute. You don't know what a company is?" I asked, shocked.
"No." he replied.
"Wow." I was too stunned for words. I hoped there was a different term for a company, because this place was seriously backward if companies didn't exist. "In a nutshell, a company is an organization that makes money."
Rafael shook his head, "No, it does not make money."
"It... doesn't?" I asked.
"No, it does not." He replied.
This was not helping. I had no idea what could've made him do that.
"Well, who contracted you out?" I asked.
"I... I'm not sure," he replied in a shaky voice. His skin was clammy and he appeared to be shivering.
"You're not sure?" I asked skeptically.
"Y-yeah..." he replied nervously.
"Also, 400 years ago? Is the King that old?" Something about this wasn't adding up. But I looked in his eyes and could tell he wasn't lying.
"Huh?" he asked. Then he drew in a deep breath, "I-I... I don't remember."
"You don't remember?" I was worried. That plate to the head must've done a lot more damage than it seemed.
Or maybe...
A nagging fear hit me. The box art didn't have this guy's picture on it. I remembered that for certain. Neither was the Prince or the King, but they were listed on the back as key characters.
On the other hand, there was a character called Faella who was an angel seeking revenge for her dead brother. Considering Rafael's name, it was possible that maybe—
No. I wasn't going to think too much into this. It was far more likely that he just hurt his head and couldn't remember anything. But just in case.
"Rafael, what is your last name?" I asked.
He looked suspicious, "Why are you asking?"
"What is it?" I insisted.
His pupils darted from side to side. "It's... it's..."
He grabbed onto his head with his hands, "WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER?!" he screamed.
My suspicions worsened.
"Do you... happen to have a sister?" My hands were trembling and my voice was rough.
He stared at me in disbelief, "How do you know?"
I closed my eyes in pain, "Is her name Faella?"
"Yes... how do you...?" he asked, his voice full of surprise.
I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and tried to pull myself together. It was as I had suspected. This guy couldn't remember any details because he wasn't supposed to. He was just some minor character that would die soon.
Was I just supposed to let that happen? Just let him die like that. It was the easiest option. But somehow...
I opened my eyes and looked into his. They were wide and full of fear. Nothing like the disturbing hollowness that I saw earlier.
I looked at the floor and said, "Listen, I'm sorry. But you're probably going to die soon."
"What?!" he roared in anger. "And who are you to decide that?!"
I didn't expect an injured guy to be so lively. But I supposed it was an aggrevating thing to hear. I did by best to neutralize my tone.
"Calm down, it's that—"
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" He screamed. His eyes slowly started swirling. No, no...
I grabbed his hands. "I SAID CALM DOWN!" I yelled, trying to get through him.
But that only made it worse. The colors grew murkier, "After all I've done... everything..."