Awkward Day

Today I went to college only to find I was the only girl who would attend the class among a few other boys. Sky was the one among them. I was panicked to find out that there were only 2 days left for the internals and I haven't studied anything as such yet.

Lacy was having bad health leave. Others took leave to study at home. And here I was losing my patience and gradually giving up on my determination. I can't understand how and why he became my habit. He came to me regarding the team for the quiz and asked who would be in it.

"I and Lacy for the time being", I replied coldly.

During the break time I filled up Lacy's form for her to participate and finally got time to have my lunch.

During lunch time, It was the first time he talked about his mom. I have heard him speaking about his dad before but it's the first time about his mom.

One cannot fathom the happiness I felt in my heart when he was talking about it.

"You know My mom says, " What's the use of studying so hard if you cannot enjoy your life? No matter what you do at most you can get your name in some social media search or history in some websites. No LOVE -No Life. Only Machines and robots. "

It was really a serious talk and a serious situation.

Next he talked about some tweets he read and also some non-veg comments. At first I was feeling all awkward, but his talks and discussions slowly drifted away from the awkward atmosphere which had encircled around me for quite a long time. I felt a warm welcome from his talks and my insecurity gave way.. .

I was really happy to discuss those matters with him and learn about him a bit more. Usually I become the initiator of our talks, though mostly serious ones but this was the first time he initiated a conversation.

In between the classes while Sir was teaching, our eyes usually met at the same time.And we laughed and smiled at each other in the same phase. It was only because of him I could receive and understand such silent messages, which he would express through his eyes and which I couldn't understand back in my school days..

Oh! wait. Again what am I doing? Shouldn't I be the one angry with him? Why did I soften towards him all of a sudden?

Maybe deep within my heart I know the correct answer..