The scene of a crowd suddenly changed into a giant, devastated field. He was in the middle of looking out for any danger but before he could finish Arisa sent him here. He immediately noticed the blood red letters on the ground.
*" If you wish to pass this trial you have to hunt the monstrous boar using any method you can think of. You will fail this trial if your spiritual body is killed."*
He read it then started his search without any fear. He walked through the hole-filled field with his usual blank face for hours without finding anything, he simply followed the road of destruction knowing that it was the boar's work.
Time passed slowly in this boring world, nothing happened and soon night arrived. Rayne was unhindered by the dark and continued walking until the sun came back up but there wasn't even a single fly around, there wasn't even any sound apart from his quick steps.
The real goal of this trial was to confuse him and make him question his decisions but even after 4 days of walking he never hesitated. Although his childhood was tragic it gave him many gifts, his patience was nearly infinite and his willpower was unbreakable.
On the start of the fifth day he felt the earth tremble while the cloud changed shape to form words.
*" You passed the first trial: Patience.
Your second trial is speed. Catch the giant boar, there is no time limit however while you rest the boar will continue running away. You will fail this test if your mind completely give up."*
' So the test can lie.'
He registered this information before he started running at full speed, although it was a spiritual body it was just as strong as his real one so his speed was far superior to a normal human.
' So this is the effect of the blood power...'
After 17 years of killing in that place he accumulated an exaggerated amount of blood power, he was already born with superhuman strength but even he felt surprised by his speed. Each of his steps caused a small storm, moving him dozens of meters each time. The trembling quickly intensified as he arrived closer and closer to his target.
It didn't take long for him to see his it in the distance.
' Arisa did say that it would start with the trials that are considered the easiest for me so I guess if I kill that giant boar I will get my first increase in talent.'
He accelerated again, thinking that everything was too easy. He arrived behind the 20 meters tall monster and just as he was about to jump on it he saw the clouds morph again.
*" You passed the second trial: speed
The third trial is endurance. If you can survive the boar's attack until it fall of exhaustion you will pass this trial."*
' I see, this should be where I get my first talent upgrade. If I kill it it should still count as falling of exhaustion right?'
The boar suddenly turned toward Rayne and attacked with it's powerful tusk. Rayne simply jumped on the tusk.
The boar seemed confused as it looked around, it didn't know where it's target was. Rayne jumped with all of his power and kicked the boar's eye, resulting in a powerful impact.
An impossible cry came out of the giant as it was pushed back, although it was hurt it didn't receive any real damage.
' I am stronger than before but that wasn't enough then...'
He fell from over twenty meters and immediately recovered, he started climbing on the boar's leg, using his hands to throw himself in quick succession. Even if the monster was thrashing around he never lost his grip. Before the boar could even open his eye again Rayne was already back on top.
This time instead of punching it's eyes Rayne went for it's tusk with all of his strength.
Small cracks appeared on it however compared to the scale of the tusk it wasn't even worth mentioning.
He continued bashing on it, causing the cracks to quickly expend without causing the boar any pain. It recovered and headbutted the ground to get Rayne off, only for him to use it's momentum to launch himself in the air. When the boar lifted it's head Rayne precisely fell back on the same spot that he on.
Although such a big monster was scary it was useless it front of Rayne, all it could do was ram it's head against various object to get him off yet he was never there on the moment of impact. He was just like a ghost, constantly haunting it.
During this time the cracks slowly grew, he never even attacked the boar's body as if this entire thing was a joke. Maybe he enraged the heaven with his uncaring attitude, the boar was suddenly wrapped in a golden aura, powering it up.
It went for another ram but as soon as Rayne jumped off it's giant body stopped as if it wasn't as heavy as a mountain. It aimed it's sharp tusks at Rayne while he was mid air.
' You are still lacking.'
Rayne extended a single finger, when the tip was within reach he put his hand close to it and swung his finger casually, the impact was enough to send his own body flying toward the other tusk which he caught with ease before jumping back to the original one to punch it again.
' Danger.'
He was about to deliver another attack when he felt that something wasn't right, he jumped forward just in time to evade a golden laser that come from under where he was.
' Just because I only go for your tusk doesn't mean I can't attack you anywhere else.'
He landed on the horn before jumping toward the boar's eye, blinding it temporarily while making it trash around. Just like before Rayne used this momentum to fly in the air but this time he prepared a guillotine kick that was aiming at nothing.
In the middle of it's trashing the boar sent it's tusk toward Rayne, causing his powerful kick to land directly on the cracked part. It was like Rayne predicted everything as he cut the tusk.
He landed on the ground along with it, it was over 3 meters long and even though it was buried deep in the ground Rayne effortlessly picked it up before he started swinging it like a normal sword.
' If my fist can't hurt you I just need a weapon.'
The monster was truly enraged at this sight. It swung it's only tusk with all of it's strength. The two tusk clashed, causing Rayne's feet to dig deep into the ground, making a long trench that went on for a few meters. Once he stopped Rayne swung it's own tusk, pushing the boar back. He ran at full speed, once he was near it he planted the tusk in the ground to vault toward the beast, picking it up again while he was in the air.
He used it like a spear, piercing deep into the giant's body.
' I missed his heart, it's been a long time since I missed a lethal attack...'
He quickly pulled the tusk back out just in time to escape the body slam of the boar. Such a huge attack left it wide open, Rayne slashed the giant weapon at it's throat causing a deep wound.
' Not enough power to get it's wind pipe...'
He could only continue his attacks. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to finish it off with a single attack so he played it more safe.
The beast was powerful but Rayne was just as strong with the advantage of speed, only the golden beams caused him problem, it was nearly impossible to detect and it moved too fast to react once it was launched.
He sent the boar's head away and ran to attack it's leg when another beam flew at him, this time the boar aimed to graze the side of Rayne's stomach. Since there was no danger Rayne couldn't feel it in advance, blood flowed from the small wound.
' I am bleeding.'
It wasn't panic or anything, he was simply acknowledging what just happened before he slashed at the boar's leg, cutting it's tendon.
It fell to the ground but it didn't seem agitated, instead it completely stopped moving and started to shoot more of the golden beam, all aiming for aimless spots.
' It want to steal my tactic and slowly whittle me down but if you can't multitask you are just leaving yourself open.'
Since it was the only thing that harmed Rayne the boar opted to repeat the same attack, sadly once Rayne knew it's goal it was easy to evade it. He closed the distance without receive any other injury and simply went for the throat, hitting the already wound.
The tusk entered deep in the throat yet it wasn't enough to hit the pipe again.
' I see, I am not missing, someone else is moving it's organ so it doesn't die.'
Another beam came at him however he grabbed the boar's bloody fur and evaded it before slashing at it's throat again, making the cut even deeper. This time instead of a beam the golden light around it's throat exploded, forcing Rayne away.
' If I can't cut it's wind pipe I just have to cut it's head off.'
He pierced the bottom of the boar's jaw to wait the explosion off then he jumped at his throat, slashing it again. The wound was extremely deep, reaching it's spine. Rayne could feel it's trachea move around but he didn't care.
He evaded the multiple beams that came flying at him at the same time like a machine-gun and finally he used the tusk to pierce the spine, the golden light immediately gathered around it like an armor, stopping the tusk from directly breaking it yet it still managed to pierce the bone.
Rayne grabbed the inside of it's throat to swing his body, hitting the very end of his weapon which finally ended the monster's life.
' My real body is in danger!'
Even if his mind was trapped here he was able to split his conscience in two, taking control of his body while staying in this world.