Being Grateful

Lord Hawthorne's men finished searching the woman's body. After finding nothing on her, they locked her in a cell with a bed and tucked her into it and put a guard on duty to inform Lord Hawthorne when she woke up.

The woman stirred for a moment causing the guard to turn and look at her again, but she was still motionless with her eyes closed so he turned back around to continue his watch.

"Uggg... how dare they touch me without permission! I'm going to slowly take my time with the one that thought he was skilled with his fingers." The woman thought to herself "If it wasn't for the fact that sister wants me to have all of this idiot's knights willingly go over to Agist, I'd just kill Lord Hawthorne in his sleep and go back."

The woman was Lorraina, Lillica's younger sister, she used an illusion the same way Lillica does to have others with out a pure heart see her as a beautiful human female. Thankfully, the only ones that she usually worried about were kids and sometimes animals. Only sometimes animals because if their owner abused them they wouldn't bother defending them. Kids were often innocent enough that she could talk her way around them, if not, ignoring them worked too as adults would often think the child was just being imaginative and wanting attention.

"Well, I shouldn't wait for this old fart to pass out, I'll pretend to wake up and see how this goes." Lorraina thought to herself.

Lorraina stirred again while lying on her back on the bed, the guards had stripped her of the servant clothes she "borrowed" from a maid at Count Agist's and had now put her in a white nightgown that was very revealing and thin. Her breasts were smaller than Lillica's, but they were very perky, and in the chill of the cell her nipples were erect visibly through the nightgown. Her face appeared to be that of a woman no more than 20 with softer facial features, glossy red lips, a beauty mark next to her lip, and shoulder length red hair. She had had the same piercing yellow eyes as when she appeared as a demon, but they appeared rounder giving her a gentler appearance.

Lorraina pretended to be groggy and said tiredly "H-Hello? W-Where am I?"

The guard perked up and turned around to face Lorraina and said "Miss, you managed to escape Count Agist's clutches and found your way to my lord's manor, Lord Hawthorne. I will inform him that you are awake as I'm sure he will have a few questions for you."

"O-Okay... Thank you... Please let him know how grateful I am that he took me in." Lorraina said trying to act coy and shy.

"I shall be sure to tell him!" The guard saluted her for some odd reason and then ran off to inform Lord Hawthorne that the woman was awake.

As the guard left, Lorraina couldn't help but lick her lips and think "I bet that one will be delicious some day."

Two minutes later, Lorraina could hear a man running hurriedly towards the cells, then when he got closer, he started to walk slow, trying to hide his eagerness.

Lorraina heard the footsteps approach the corner and a rotund man in opulent clothes, that were probably not something just a small lord would wear, sauntered in front of her cell. He appeared to be in his mid 50s and Lorraina was a little disappointed as she didn't like the way the older ones tasted, but she's had worse.

"A-Are you Lord Hawthorne?" Lorraina said as shyly as she could manage.

The man visibly puffed his chest out and raised his head slightly, then made a fist and put it in front of his heart as a salute and said "Indeed! 'Twas very brave of you to escape from the clutches of that tyrant, rest assured, you will be safe here in my care! May I have thine name miss?"

"Lor... Lorra... I am a mere commoner..." Lorraina almost said her real name, but thought it might be best to hide it. Although she doesn't quite know why she did because the man in front of her would be dead in a day or two most likely. "... I was... used as a toy for the entertainment of guests at Count Agist's manor!"

"That mad man! He always touted how he was never cruel to commoners yet it was rumored that he had kept a few women closely as 'entertainment' for himself and guests! With this we can get the King to reduce him to the lowest level of noble and strip him of most of his wealth!"

"I just... I just want to escape from Count Agist... but he has my sister... she's even prettier than me so he personally watches over her!"

Lord Hawthorne seemed to be slightly stunned at the prospect of a woman prettier than this woman in front of him.

"I came to find help to free her... I would do ANYTHING to help her!" Lorraina made sure to emphasize 'anything'.

Lorraina almost laughed when she saw Lord Hawthorne's face turn red and he almost drooled on himself. "A-Anything, Miss Lorra?"

"Anything... she is very precious to me!"

"In the morning I shall send my knights over to Count Agist's and we will confront him directly, if he doesn't surrender her and any other women or children he has as slaves or hostages, we will engage the Duke or King about Count Agist's treachery and see him taken away!"

"Thank you... thank you so much... just be quick, I'm scared of what he'll do to her once he discovers that I escaped!"

Lord Hawthorne opened the cell for Lorraina and took her hand help her out of the bed. "I shall let you stay in my bed, Miss Lorra, we will discuss in further details the 'anything' you mentioned after supper."

"O-of course..." Lorraina blushed as best she could then added "I will gladly show you how grateful I can be, allow me to retire to your room first then, I am still a bit tired and will need my rest first."

Lord Hawthorne nodded and could be seen almost visibly skipping with anticipation as he guided Lorraina to his bedroom, tucked her in, and barely managed to contain himself to let her sleep for a little longer.

Lord Hawthorne went to his dining hall and ate his meal ravenously, he was feeling very motivated right now knowing that Lorra (Lorraina) was asleep in his bed waiting for him to show her gratitude. He still did his best to try and maintain a noble upbringing and not sprint back to his room after supper, so he completed all administrative tasks that had to be done for tomorrow for once just so that nobody would disturb him until the morning.


Lorraina got out of the bed in Lord Hawthorne's bedroom and started to look around the room, she had a habit of looking through people's stuff and thought bedrooms contained the most interesting 'souvenirs' of her victims. On a desk was a quill, ink bottle, and parchment, she couldn't find the Lord's Seal so she assumed he must have it on him.

"Hmm... I think I'll use this to give his knights orders to go into service of Count Agist."

Lorraina quickly wrote out what she thought would be suitable orders for Lord Hawthorne's knights to serve Count Agist, but she still needed Lord Hawthorne's signature and his Seal to make it official. "One step at a time" Lorraina thought to herself.

After folding up the order she had forged, she placed it on the desk and then continued to look around Lord Hathorne's room.

Finding a wardrobe, Lorraina open it to take a peek inside and found fairly normal clothes for a noble, but she also knew that if he was hiding something it would be buried way in the back, in a drawer, or possibly in a secret compartment. Lorraina opened up the drawers and found one of them locked, she thought about searching for the key but instead ripped the drawer out.

Inside the drawer, a pure white silk negligee was folded on top. Lorraina took out the negligee, inspected it, and thought that at least Lord Hawthorne had good taste in women's clothing. Lorraina threw off the nightgown she was wearing and then put on the negligee carefully.

"It's a little short, but I think he'll like that better anyways" Lorraina thought to herself as she looked in the mirror.

The negligee left almost nothing to the imagination, flexible white lace covered the entire negligee and a few strips of white silk covered the nipples, vagina, and ass. Matched with Lorraina's red hair and glossy lips, even her human illusion looked quite devilish in the tiny negligee.

She was going to look around some more but she finally heard the door to Lord Hawthorne's bedroom being unlocked from the outside so she went back to his bed and laid on her stomach while treading her feet slowly in the air, giving off the impression she was waiting just for him.

Lord Hawthorne was quite taken aback by her appearance and was very close to jumping on top of her when he noticed the negligee she was wearing.

"Where did you get that?!?" Lord Hawthorne asked suspiciously.

"This? Don't you remember, you pulled it out and asked me to wear it."

Lord Hawthorne couldn't remember, but he was also very distracted at the time and even more distracted now that he saw Lorraina in it.

"I-I'm sorry, if I don't look good in it I can take it off..." Lorraina said regretfully while starting to take the negligee off.

"No don't! You look ravishing! I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you... that negligee belonged to my late wife when we were still young and in love, she left me but I kept it ever since. I'll only ever let you wear it from now on!"

"Oh, Lord Hawthorne, that is so sweet... but I couldn't–"

"No, it's fine, just wear it for me tonight then."

Lorraina could smell other women that have worn this negligee before her and was half-tempted to call him out on it.

"Alright then... just for tonight..."

Lorraina then stood up in front of Lord Hawthorne and grabbed his hand and guided him to sit on the bed in front of her. As Lord Hawthorne looked up at Lorraina's exquisite body in the seductive negligee, his mind started to go blank as his lust for her became even more intense than before.

"Lord Hawthorne, I will show you how grateful I can be..."