Lady of Flint

Thomas felt like an idiot dressed in the cook's outfit, it was not meant for someone as tall or as fit as he was. Still, nobody really paid any attention to him as they were all focused on Lord Alfreed's manor.

Looking around, Thomas spotted a church with a small bell tower he could use to get an overview of the entire village. When Thomas walked in, a few villagers were praying with the local pastor.

"Welcome my son, are you a lost little lamb during these trying times?" the pastor kindly said.

Thomas wasn't as good as his brother at being able to make the most of situations using wisdom and some intellect, but he was a much better people person. "Yes father, but I dare say is this area safe?"

"As safe as any other house, but here we have the divine protection of our Lord... and if things get messy we have a deep cellar."

"Do any other houses have cellars, or maybe we could hide in a stone building!" Thomas asked, pretending to be concerned for his own safety.

"Are you new around here my child, I know the entire village and I do not recognize you."

Thomas started to sweat a little bit but tried to maintain his disguise and said, "Yes, I was mentoring under the current head cook, today was my first day!"

"Ah, well, that explains that then, still, whatever that man teaches you about baking it is best to forget it. His bread rolls serve a better purpose as charcoal."

"I shall take your advice father, do you mind if I go up the bell tower? I do find this event quite exciting!"

"You may, but be careful, oh, and our quaint village only has cellars under the tavern, this church, and the lord's manor. A few residents keep very small ones for storing vegetables, but I wouldn't recommend hiding in those."

Thomas nodded. "Thank you father, I shall head up the tower to check if the way is clear and then return to my family."

The pastor nodded at Thomas and paid him no more attention as Thomas ran up the stairs to peek out the bell tower in the church. Looking around, Thomas noticed the village was very quaint, the only stone structure aside from the manor was this church. Thomas doubted Georg would hide Sylvia in the church, so he decided to go look for the tavern so he could search its cellar.

Thomas walked down the stairs of the bell tower and headed out of the church towards the direction he spotted the tavern. When he got to the tavern, it was empty except for a bar maid probably in her late 40s or 50s.

The bar maid was leaning over the bar with a bored expression on her face and propping her head up with one hand. The empty mug next to her was probably drank and refilled multiple times by her judging from the slightly goofy smile she gave Thomas when he walked in.

"Ffff... Hey! Welcome! Man... Young Man..." the bar maid said before getting tipsy.

She was about to fall over and Thomas rushed over to her and caught her. "Careful miss!" he said politely.

"Hah! Aren't yoouuu... a sweeeet one!" the woman looked quite drunk now that Thomas was closer to her, but she wasn't bad looking for her age. Her skin was still smooth and her reddish brown hair was neatly braided behind her head. Her lips were full and the bar maid dress she had on showed off her deep cleavage quite well, she was probably extremely popular with men when she was younger.

"Are you sure it is safe up here like this miss, aren't you worried about a fight breaking out between the knights from both sides?" Thomas helped her back up and tried to let her go, but she seemed to be attached to him now and had a surprisingly strong grip.

"Meeee? Yeah! That no good husband of mine... he isshhh stuck in that manor with that harlot maid he's been cheating on me with!" The bar maid dug her fingers harder in to Thomas's arm making him want to almost cry out in pain. "He ish... scum... hope he gets killed!"

"Miss... I mean... ma'am, for your own safety, I insist you hide in your cellar until this blows over. Let me help you over to it." Thomas said politely.

"Ohhh... are yoooouu tryin ta take advantage of ol' Starla here?" The bar maid, Starla, looked at Thomas like a carnivore with prey in sight.

"O-of course not ma'am! I am merely concerned for your safety!"

"Yeahhhh, take me to my cellar and keep me safe, and call me 'Miss' again, 'Miss Starla' please..."

"As you wish, Miss Starla." Thomas helped guide Starla to the cellar.

Once they reached it, Starla reached for her key then "accidentally" dropped it. Thomas reached down to pick it up for her and she pulled her arm back and spanked him hard on the ass causing him to jump slightly.

"Hah! Fine ass you have there young 'un!" Starla said.

Thomas looked at Starla and thought to himself, "I've done worse..."

Thomas unlocked the cellar for her then guided her down the steps. It was dark but Starla lit up a small candle and passed it to Thomas. "Come on stud! We need to go deeper!"

Thomas looked around and didn't see signs of anyone having been through the cellar within the past few days so he assumed Sylvia was not being kept here. "If she's not in the village anywhere, could she still be in the manor? Well, I have no way to get back inside the manor so I'll just leave it up to fate since Nicholas will figure out I was unable to find her... I think..."

As soon as he turned back to look at Starla and think about asking if he could somehow sneak into the manor, she had snuck up behind Thomas, pulled her top down and pressed her large breasts into his face as she grabbed him in a bear hug.

"Come on! I know you been looking at 'em!"

Thomas decided that Count Agist and his brother were on their own as he let himself become Starla's willing prisoner as she started to strip off his clothes like a voracious wolf tearing in to its meal.


Count Agist and Nicholas released the butler and were now down to just the maid and the cook that was in Thomas's armor.

"When we release the maid, you may go as well, no sense dragging you in to this." Count Agist said plainly.

The cook thanked him even though it was Count Agist and Nicholas that were keeping him hostage in the first place.

"Miss, I know this is an odd request, but since my friend and I might not make it much longer, I was wondering if we could trouble you for some wine or something." Count Agist said whimsically to the maid, he wasn't one to admit defeat, but he could only count on Thomas at this point.

The maid nodded and said, "I shall check the Lord's private cellar."

Count Agist nodded and the maid went back towards the kitchen.

"Nicholas, if you were your brother, what do you think he would do if he couldn't find Sylvia in time?"

Nicholas pondered Count Agist's question for a moment then answered, "I would get our knights and fight our way through to you. We can lose every knight, but we can't lose you, milord!"

Count Agist smiled at his friend's loyalty, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't like the idea of weakening ourselves to the point of ruin so I hope we can still resolve this without further bloodshed."

"Not to be mean, Agist, but that is just a naive way of thinking. It is idealistic and will never win you your title back. You're going to lose men, now it's up to you to lead us and reduce the amount we lose!"

"... I know... but let me keep my ideals so I don't lose myself..."

"Lose yourself to what?" Nicholas asked somewhat concerned.

"I can't describe it, but it worries me."

"Well, we always have your back Agist and if–"

The maid suddenly burst into the room "Sirs, please come quick, I found someone tied to chair, but I am to nervous to approach them!"

Count Agist and Nicholas exchanged glances then Nicholas said "Count Agist, go with her by yourself, we don't want Georg to do something rash if he thinks we're trying to find a way out."

Count Agist agreed and followed the maid to the kitchen, she ducked behind a cupboard to a cellar door that was only visible from a certain angle making it easy to miss. Count Agist motioned for the maid to stay up here and he took a lantern down to the cellar.

He wasn't afraid for his life by any means, but he was more afraid of the maid screaming something that might make Georg attack them early. Count Agist spotted a body in a chair wearing a large brown hooded cloak that was tied to it. "Hello!" Count Agist said sternly.

The person in the chair tried to turn around and started making muffled noises as if trying to get his attention, then they started to rock in the chair and fell over. When they fell Count Agist almost laughed as he heard an audible groan from the person that was tied up.

Count Agist knelt besides the fallen person and pulled back the hood and saw it was a beautiful woman with blonde hair, although the blood that had leaked from the back of her head tarnished her blonde hair slightly. He removed the gag from her mouth and she wasted no time talking.

"Who are you?!? I don't recognize you! Are you here to finish what he started?"

"My apologies miss, I do not know who you are, I am Count Agist, I suspect you must be Lady Sylvia?"

"Yes! Good! Then my father must have sent you! Quickly untie me and take me to him, I must tell him that Georg has turned against him for his own personal gain!"

"I... I am sorry milady, when we got here your father was already dead... Georg framed us for his death and we're surrounded by all of Flint's knights that will probably burn us all alive in this manor."

"D-Dead? My father! No! No! No! I said I would marry him and he promised to spare him!"

Count Agist watched as Sylvia started to cry, but she quickly regained her composure. "Forget you ever saw that, now get me out of this chair and get me a god damned sword, I will kill Georg personally!"

Count Agist nodded and cut her ropes with his sword, then handed it to her. "This ought to be interesting." Count Agist thought to himself.

Sylvia threw off the hooded cloak and carried the sword with her up the stairs, from her grip Count Agist could tell she has had at least some training with how to use it.

Sylvia was blind with rage and she pushed open the door to the manor without thinking.

A few of the knights recognized her right away, but some did not and ended up firing arrows at her since it wasn't the time for the next hostage to be released.

Sylvia was surprised that the knights fired on her, but she still managed to swat 2 of the 5 arrows down, the 3rd arrow hit her left arm, the 4th her left leg, and 5th barely missed her torso.


The knights that had fired at her dropped their bows and got on their knees, the other knights were whispering among themselves that this was indeed Lady Sylvia!

Georg started to panic as he didn't expect her to be found since the cellar entrance was hidden and only known by some of the staff, himself, Sylvia, and Lord Alfreed. Georg took a bow from one of the knights, notched an arrow and fired it directly at Sylvia's head.

Fortunately Georg was not a good archer and the shot went so far wide that Sylvia only used it to find where Georg was. Once she saw him, she shouted again and pointed at him with her sword, "SEIZE THAT FUCKING TRAITOR!"

Everyone in the direction that Sylvia was pointing at started to panic and Georg did his best to try and slip away, but the knights noticed that he was the only one trying to slip away so they tackled him to the ground.

Sylvia hobbled over towards where Georg was tackled and then pointed the sword at his skull. "My father was going to turn Flint over to you..." the sword pointing at his skull and Sylvia's blood dripping down her arm and leg onto the grass in front of Georg was extremely intimidating. When he heard Sylvia's words though, his eyes showed despair as he realized he would've had everything he wanted had he just waited.

Wasting no more time, Sylvia buried the sword blade into the back of Georg's skull, ending his life quickly.

One of the knights asked, "Was Lord Alfreed really going to hand over Flint to Georg?"

Sylvia chuckled slightly and said, "No, but I wanted him to suffer even more before he died thinking that everything he did was a waste."

The knight turned slightly pale realizing how cruel Sylvia could be.

"Ok, bring Count Agist out! As the Lady of Flint, I shall conduct negotiations on behalf of my now late father..."