Forgive and Forget

Count Agist was not one to wallow in self-pity, but remembering what he did to Lorraina made him feel awful. Honestly, he felt more upset about the sex than strangling her as he never felt any sort of intimate connection with her. What happened was pure lust, she offered what he wanted and he took it and more. She seemed to enjoy it at least but what surprised him was that she didn't drain his life away as he had heard from folk tales.

"I hope they don't leave… I used to want them to leave but I've grown quite attached to having them around." He said to himself.

Fortunately, everyone else was away so they never heard the sound of Lorraina's and Count Agist's bodies slamming into the walls of the manor as they had sex. Count Agist didn't even want the servants to pick up the dining hall right away so he asked them to leave it and he would personally clean it up later.

Unsure of how to deal with this himself, he found himself talking to Simon, and he couldn't stand Simon!

"Simon, how do you deal with hurting someone you care about even if you weren't in complete control of yourself?" Count Agist asked Simon, the soul within his ax, Last Stand.

"Oh boohoo, you hurt someone, put on your big boy pants and move on!" Simon said in his usual snarky tone.

"Why did I even bother asking you... You're like a child!" Count Agist retorted.

"Listen, I am older than you can fathom, my soul was bound to this ax then used by the creator to slaughter my own clan. Now, if that doesn't damage you in some way mentally then I don't know what else would. I am this way because life isn't fair and I figured I might as well enjoy the ride as much as I can. So what did you do? Slap one of your friends or something?"

"I had sex with Lorraina that shook the manor then tried to strangle the life out of her." Count Agist said plainly, not sure why he felt like opening up to Simon.

"Woah! Lucky bastard! I'd give anything to get to fuck either of them! They rarely do it without reason or to feed, although I do admit Lorraina seems to be a lot friendlier than most succubi! I think you're just overthinking things! She would've tried to kill you had she felt threatened."

"Good point, their strength is unfathomable. Don't you remember how you woke up?" Count Agist asked Simon.

"Not really, the only thing I remember is waking up being held by Lillica, tucked safely in those ginormous breasts that I would've killed to dive into when I had a body! Then she placed me on a stand and walked out of your room where I heard you talking to two idiots or something."

Count Agist decided not to tell him what Lillica did to wake him up as he thought it might be amusing to hold it over him some day.

"Yes, that sounds about right, and perhaps you are right, maybe I am just overthinking it. Thank you Simon."

"Wow… you almost sound like you mean it!"

"I wish it were possible to hit you sometimes… Good night Simon."

"Whatever, good night… ass hole…"

For some reason, having his own ax call him an ass hole made him smile, Count Agist finally was able to relax enough to sleep.


The next morning, Count Agist woke up and felt refreshed. He felt something move next to him, turned his head, and surprisingly saw Lorraina curled up next to him.

"Lorraina! Are you ok?" Count Agist said worriedly.

Lorraina opened her eyes, stretched and yawned. Then she threw herself on top of Count Agist and kissed his lips, her tail happily flicking back and forth.

"Good morning Agi! Yes, I'm fine! You were the best I've ever had! So much power… can we do it again?"

Lorraina was straddling Count Agist and smiled seductively at him after asking him if they could do it again.

"Well…" Count Agist couldn't really think of a reason not to, aside from the fact that he felt like he had almost killed her, that he felt himself lose control of his body, and that they destroyed a lot of furniture in the dining hall.

"Get off of him Lorraina!" Lillica had barged in to Count Agist's room and was already getting angry with Lorraina.

"Aw, why? It was great! I bet you're just mad I took it from him…" Lorraina said while straddling Count Agist and looking over her shoulder at Lillica with a smirk.

"You know why!" Lillica said angrily and stamped her foot. Her stomp sent a chill down Count Agist's spine and even Lorraina started to look a little uneasy. Lorraina climbed off of Count Agist and went to go stand with Lillica.

"As for you, Agist, come talk with Chloe and myself in the study later." Lillica said with a frown on her face.

Count Agist nodded, then heard someone come running down the hall.

Lillica and Lorraina noticed as well and they cast their illusion spells. For the first time, Count Agist saw their illusions and wanted to ask why he couldn't see past them, but Isadora had just poked her head in to his open room.

"Milord! Sorry for the intrusion, I heard a loud bang and was just making sure you were alright!" Isadora's eyes met with Lorraina's and they smiled fondly at each other.

"Thank you for your concern Isadora, but it was nothing. I'm surprised to see you and Dion made it back so quickly from your Mother's house."

"Barely an hour by horse, milord, not much trouble at all!"

"Very well, take your time to help Alice get acclimated to our manor. I'm sure she has her routines for Lady Sylvia and just needs the layout and to be introduced to the other servants."

Isadora nodded then said politely, "Of course, milord, I shall take my leave then." Isadora bowed and left, closing the door to Count Agist's room.

"Wait up! I'll come with you!" Lorraina said and left Count Agist's room, leaving Lillica with Count Agist.

Lillica had folded her arms in front of her chest and was glaring at Count Agist while he was still laying in his bed.

Count Agist felt like a child that had been caught stealing food from the kitchen, except that he wasn't exactly sure what he did that made Lillica so mad.

Lillica started walking towards Count Agist, her hips were not swaying like usual, but he strangely found her human illusion to be not as enchanting as her natural demon form. She didn't look extremely angry with him, more like disappointed he thought.

Lillica put one of her black heels on the bed, leaned over her thigh, and then looked at Count Agist straight in the eyes. "I can still kill you and find someone else, it would just be very inconvenient."

Count Agist stared back at her, then asked "Why can't I see the real you now?"

"You lost your innocence, it's not because you lost your virginity and fucked Lorraina, it is because you gave in to the darkness inside of you and fucked her with hate."

"Oh… how come I don't feel drained at all?"

"Because…" Lillica didn't really want to answer his question so she hesitated for a moment then answered, "Because she is in love with you."

Count Agist was a little taken aback, he never expected Lorraina to fall in love with him, especially when she had said earlier that she would never do so with him.

Simon's voice suddenly chimed in and said "Lillica, don't lie about that to that idiot!"

"Stay out of this!" Lillica's hand shot out and her eyes flashed bright yellow. Count Agist's ax, Last Stand, trembled for a moment then Simon stayed silent.

"Why would you lie about her feelings? I love Lorraina like a friend and thoroughly regret what happened last night! If anything you are…" Count Agist didn't want to finish his sentence. He felt that admitting his feelings for Lillica right now would make it seem like he was just trying to use words to smooth things over with her.

"…If anything I am what?" Lillica's expression softened slightly.

"You… Can you stop the illusion? I think you are much prettier as yourself…"

Lillica nodded, bit her lip, and then her natural light-purple skin was in front of him once again.

"Thank you…" Count Agist took a deep breath and thought that he might as well just say it because otherwise he might never do it, "You are the one I love, Lillica."

Lillica's face lit up and she smiled, but it immediately turned in to a frown. "I want to love you, but I can't… Why did you have to ruin it and have sex with Lorraina?!"

"I'm sorry. It felt like I wasn't in control of my own body. It was as if I was a passenger in my own mind and only remember regaining control after you threw the pendant at me."

Lillica took her foot off of Count Agist's bed then sat down next to him with a slightly sad look on her face. "You let your inner demons take control of you. I know I shouldn't blame you entirely as I do admit Lorraina and I played a part in it. I just… I don't know… come find me later."

Lillica got up and was about to leave when Count Agist reached out and grabbed her arm. "Don't go Lillica, I finally admitted to you as well as myself that I've fallen for you… I don't even know what I'm doing right now. You have every right to be mad at me!"

Lillica shuddered slightly and looked away from Count Agist. She really wanted to love him back, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sacrifice him if it became necessary. "Maybe if I…" Lillica started thinking something dangerous so she shook her head to clear her thoughts. She would have her revenge, for both her and Lorraina. She didn't pull against Count Agist's grip, but instead slid her arm back and then held his hand.

"Lilli… I love you." Count Agist said sincerely.

Lilli… that was a name she had never been called before. She had always been treated with fear and respect when around other demons, except for Lorraina, and so nobody ever gave her a nickname before.

"Say that again…" Lillica said with a whisper.

"I love you." Count Agist said with a smile.

"No, what you called me just a second ago."


"Yes…" Lillica leaned over and kissed Count Agist on the lips, sweetly and softly. She figured that it would be okay to mix business and pleasure. When Count Agist reached up to hold her, she quickly pulled away then stood up.

"I still am mad at you though…" Lillica stuck her tongue out at Count Agist and left Count Agist's room.

"I can live with that." Count Agist thought to himself, then finally got out of bed to start his day.