Lillica's Hunger

Lillica stood up and sauntered over to Count Agist as he stared at the title of the book she had just slid over to him.

"Agi, sweetie… first, do you understand who can use magic?" Lillica said sweetly, she started spinning the book on the table slowly in front of Count Agist while talking to him.

"Demons and possessed humans obviously, that is what the church–"

"What do YOU think." Lillica interrupted Count Agist and folded her arms across her chest, emphasizing the word 'You'.

Count Agist thought about it for a second, he wasn't exactly an expert on this subject, but he remembered that Lillica once passed her strength to him, so did that mean he could use it too?

"Well, I think almost anyone can use magic…" Count Agist said thoughtfully.

"Very good Agi! Now you're starting to think with your own head!" Lillica said with a surprising amount of praise.

"I feel like you're mocking me…" Count Agist said while raising an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe… Regardless, you are correct, anyone can use magic. Humans just seldom are able to gather enough magic, or what you humans call mana, to make any use of it. Your friend Morgan is one of the very rare exceptions."

"So, then I can gather it too?" Count Agist said, his face lighting up in anticipation.

Lillica chuckled a little, "Of course not, you're not special… Although you are able to borrow it from Lucius thanks to your pact, but you want to avoid this as much as possible since you lose your mind when you do."

Count Agist frowned and looked down dejectedly. He recalled the scene of the dining room from yesterday and how he felt like he wasn't in control of his body.

Chloe's voice suddenly resonated through his mind "Agist, I can help you with this!"

Count Agist took Chloe's pendant in his hand and squeezed it. "Chloe? How can you help?"

Lillica assumed Chloe was talking to Count Agist since he clutched her pendant, so Lillica reached out put her hand on Count Agist's shoulder so she could listen in.

Chloe's voice rang softly through Count Agist's and Lillica's heads, "Agist, I basically can cancel the darkness that you bring in, or at least that is what it feels like I'm doing. I am sure Lillica will be able to give you more information about this."

Count Agist nodded in agreement, he knew he was indeed uneducated about arcane arts aside from what the church would share. "Yes, Lillica has been quite helpful regarding… well, just about everything honestly!"

Count Agist smiled warmly at Lillica and she smiled back at him, bowing her head slightly to accept his compliment. Not feeling satisfied with just that, Count Agist added, "Also, I would like to apologize for thinking you were out to destroy everything Lillica. I was wrong."

"Better… but if you're trying to make me less disappointed in you from before… keep trying, it's almost working." Lillica said with a smirk and squeezed Count Agist's hand. "Regardless, what Chloe will basically do is neutralize any negativity up to a certain point, the point at which she can no longer do that is up to her ability."

"Ok, so I can absorb magic with her help, why can't I just borrow her magic like I did with you earlier?"

"It's not as simple as that… It is highly inefficient to just give you magic like that. Hold your hand up."

Count Agist held up his hand as instructed, Lillica grabbed his wrist and put his hand about 2 inches from her mouth then blew on it. Count Agist felt a shiver go up his arm causing Lillica to smile a bit from his reaction.

"Don't get too excited Agi… that was to show you what it is like for me to use my own magic. This is what it would be like if I were to send you that same amount of magic."

Lillica took a step back from Count Agis, blew towards him with the same strength as before, then asked, "Can you feel that?"


"That is what it is like to send you magic, it loses cohesion while travelling through the air so unless you plan on strapping me to you like Chloe, I do not recommend it."

"Really? I felt like your magic reached me easily last time!"

"I blow hard…" Lillica said with a wry smile then winked at Count Agist.

Count Agist grinned back at her and said, "I'd love to find out." His old self probably would've blushed and gotten shy after a comment like that and never would he have been able to flirt back with her. Has he really changed so much after just losing his virginity?

Lillica looked a little surprised at Count Agist then said, "Maybe you will…", then she brushed past Count Agist and left the room.

Count Agist felt his heart skip a beat when she brushed past him and felt himself start to heat up. He was just about to turn and go after her when he heard Chloe's voice in his head.

"Ahem, can we get back on topic here?" Chloe was starting to sound annoyed.

"Sorry Chloe… Lillica, is there anything else you can help me with regarding this book?"

Lillica turned around and looked at Count Agist and said, "Agi, I know magic, but not weapon arts or martial arts. I suggest reading the book first, I believe Miss Chloe mentioned something about a mentor that was arranged by your father to come help as well. For now, I will leave you be, I have something to take care of."

"I appreciate your help then." Count Agist picked up the book and walked over to the desk in the cluttered study, then started to read the book in earnest.

Lillica smiled at him then faded away into darkness.


In a remote village a few dozen miles away from Count Agist's estate, Lillica reappeared at the edge of the forest outside of the village. She didn't have her usual confidence at the moment and her body was starting to twitch as several black patches started appearing on her light purple velvety skin.

"Just hold on… I'll take care of you too…" Lillica muttered to herself. She saw a few farmhands bringing their tools back to their barn for the day and decided she couldn't be picky.

Summoning her last bit of concentration, she managed to apply her illusion to herself, but added a few tears and rips in the clothes to make it look like she had been running through the forest.

She started to approach the men, trying to appear desperate and distraught. She yelled out, "Help me!" in as fearful a voice as possible then waited until one of the men turned around and spotted her.

Lillica pretended to collapse at this point when the one farmhand brought over a few others.

"Miss? Miss! What's wrong?" The first farmhand to reach her said, he put his hands on her shoulders to shake her a little.

Lillica pretended to be very weak and barely opened her eyes to mutter "Escaped… barely… from… Lord…" Lillica then pretended to faint from weakness as she didn't know who the Lord or Lady was in this village.

The farmhand that reached her first turned and yelled at the others who were approaching. "Oi! Got us a run away! Keep quiet lads!"

Helping a runaway concubine, mistress, or slave girl was an offense punishable by death, but only if you were caught. Most runaways would do ANYTHING to not get taken back to that life, and these men knew that. Runaways were uncommon as most of the women, or sometimes even men, would only have to give in to the whims of their master where as a runaway would have to give in to every single person that was willing to exploit her situation in order to keep their freedom.

The most that the men would have to worry about was others finding out that they are helping her and reporting them when they don't want to share her.

The farmhand that found her picked her up and started to carry her back to the barn, "Son of a… this wench be heavy!" he muttered.

"Most of it is in her tits! We got a pretty one dun we boys!" said a second farmhand to the first after opening the door for the first farmhand.

"Yeah! Look at 'em! I can't wait to knock 'em around a bit!" The third farmhand groped Lillica while the first one was still carrying her to a bed of straw.

"Oi, wait your turn mate, let her wake up first, get some bread and water, this 'un is going to need 'er strength!"

It was time for dinner and none of the farmhands wanted to leave Lillica alone with one of the others so only one farmhand went to dinner that night. When he was asked about where the others were, he merely said they were too tired and went straight to sleep, then asked if he could take their meals to them.

Seeing no reason to disagree, the head farmer's wife put two bowls of porridge, a small loaf of stale bread, and a jug of water on a tray then proceeded to carry it out to the barn where the farmhands would sleep sometimes.

"Oi, don't trouble yourseld ma'am! I'll be glad to take it to them!"

The Farmer's wife looked back at her husband, shrugged, handed him the tray, and then started cleaning up the dishes.

The farmhand brought the tray back to the others, they quickly wolfed down their porridge, but they left the bread and a good amount of the water for Lillica when she wakes up.

Lillica was fully aware of what was going on around her, and she felt herself running out of time. Her illusion wouldn't work where her skin turned black, but luckily her limbs were covered by the blanket.

"Get it over with…" Lillica whispered to one of the farmhands.

"She's awake!" the farmhand Lillica whispered to yelled to the other two.

"Keep it down you dolt! Ok, who goes first?"

"All at once…" Lillica said as she sat up, making sure the blanket still covered her body.

"We ain't that dumb! We know yah might nob off our wankers if we all 'ave 'em out at once!"

Lillica felt a headache coming on thinking about these idiots actually playing smart for once. She picked out the one that appeared to be the fastest and pointed at him.

"Ha ha! Yeah!" the farmhand said excitedly. One of the other farmhands picked up a large scythe meant for reaping crops and the last one stood by the barn door.

"Shouldn't you lock it sweetie?" Lillica looked at one of the farmhands directly into his eyes, trying to hypnotize him. She wasn't able to since he kept staring at her breasts instead of her eyes, but he still agreed anyways.

"Oi, lock it, we dun want nobody else to get wind o 'dis"

The farmhand watching the barn door picked up a large piece of lumber and put it in the bars to lock the door shut from the inside.

The farmhand that felt lucky for getting picked by Lillica took off his pants, exposing his flaccid cock.

Lillica frowned and said, "What do you want me to do with that little thing?"

The other two farmhands started to laugh at the first one causing him to get even more embarrassed before he finally yelled out, "Shut it! You should know what to do, aye?"

Lillica nodded then knelt down, she let the blanket slip down her chest to show them her cleavage, all 3 farmhands became mesmerized by it.

That moment of silence would be the last moment of silence the farmhands would ever get to experience.