
After all, it's not completely conceded anyway, so Gatra and Elena have been engaged since a year ago and are already planning to get married. But apparently the day before the wedding ceremony, Elena was caught 2 weeks pregnant. So yeah... that's it....

"I've found my soul mate! Soon I will get a girlfriend!" Crystal excited.

"Oh yes?" Elena was happy to hear that. "Who? I don't know the person? Is he handsome? Rich? Where does he work? Which child? Do you know where? Why didn't you tell me you were close to a guy?" asked Elena repeatedly.

Crystal rolled her eyes at the barrage of questions from Elena. "I've never met him," said Kristal, smiling 3 fingers.

"Oh, ground coffee, huh. Which site? There's a profile for sure. Look at it, I'm curious?" asked Elena later, trying to guess.

"I don't like playing matchmaking like that, Oneng," Crystal protested. He was not so frustrated that he had to join the matchmaking contacts.