Chapter 1: Who are you?


Zoe: "So kids, you want me to tell you my story huh"

Zane:" Yeah! tell us your story.. mom how did you met father?"

Zoe:" Okay okay.. it all started with-"


It's already Midnight and I'm walking on the streets alone. There's no cars on the road and the there's not much light too so it's kinda hard to see. My boyfriend broke up with me that day. After three years he left me just like that! huh i'm not that surprised though.. he doesn't even know that we're dating! what else can I expect? he never loved me! I was super heart broken and from that day, I told myself not to love someone ever again.

I was so mad because I knew that I don't deserve something like this! My parents died a long time ago and that 'guy' A.K.A my 'Ex- boyfriend' showed me that he's there with me but I realized I was alone up until now.

While walking, I heard something and I turned around quickly as possible. I was scared of course! most of the people in my city is asleep in this hour! so there's barely any people here! maybe crimminals and stuff though.

I stared at the streets waiting and observing if there's a person there or it's just my imaginations. I told you earlier that it's super dark I barely see a thing, so I turned around and continued to walk.

'Ohh I just love hearing this Silence!' I said to myself. Moments later I stopped walking when I saw a bench. It's directly placed infront of the moon! I sat down because I thought it's beautifull and I said to myself 'who cares if it's already pass 12? I have nothing to worry about!'

I never thought that I would bump to this suspicious man who look so tired and creeped out! he was gasping for air and I can tell he's very scared! I don't know where he came from or what to do! I offered him to sit down and I gave him water to drink.

I'm pretty kind right? my mother.. actually not really my mother but anyways, the one who adopted me said I was beautiful and Kind hearted! she told me that 'you should help those people who needs your help' When the man finally calmed down, I asked him.

"Mister? Why are you running so late at night? you looked very tired. Tell me where you live and i'll help you walk okay? By the way, Why do are you so scared mister? did something happen?"

The man opened his mouth and he's about to say something when we heard a loud scream coming from where he came from. Ofcourse I will freak out! who wouldn't? well maybe some kids who are not over acting like me. I was about to scream when the man covered my mouth. He looked scared as I was! maybe I could trust him. Moments later, the man whispered something

"Don't freak out! if they find us here.. we'll be like my family! please.. please.. I beg you! I don't want to die yet. And I don't want you to get killed too! your so young and you have so many things you still have to accomplish! I wish I could say this to my daugther.. But I cannot let despair take over for now! Hey, please! I beg you, Help me! take me some where safe and I'll explain everything to you"

I noded and I quickly stood up and grab the man's hand. Ofcourse anyone would want to get out of here if they're in my situation and I want to know everything that happened to this man and his family. I'm very curious.. on what happened and i'm kinda amazed by this man! he said he won't let despair take over him! I mean he's super brave right? if I were him I would be dead by now! But something happened..

A young looking man suddenly appeared infront of us and I can see his eyes! super red and.. I want to run but I can't. I can't feel my body and the man that ask for my help, ran without me! 'how can he do this!? does this mean he's only lying about everything he said earlier!? oh 'I don't want you to get killed too! your so young and you have so many things you still have to accomplish! I wish I could say this to my daugther.. But I cannot let despair take over for now!' my ass! I hate him!' I said to myself.

I heard someone said "Hhm.. That's why you shouldn't trust anybody. There's nothing good in this world... Only evilness exist here. I'm sure you realize it now. That man used you! he used you as bait! he used you for himself, don't be deceived by their words. I know what you're thinking the moment he said those words to you. You thought.. you could trust him right? you thought he's super brave and you're very mad at him the moment you realize he used you. Why are you so mad? yeah.. why are you so mad at the first place? it's not his fault you know.. It was your fault! you let him fool you and that means it's not his fault. You believed him that's why you're stupid! you're way too innocent. You should know when to trust people and when you should never. I'm sure you'll learn something from this, so i'll leave you alone for now"

"Who.... are you?"

I asked him but he did not respond nor make any sound.


Zoe:" That's it for today kids, sleep now. I will tell you more tomorrow! now give your mom your best kiss!"

Iris:" Okay mom!"

Zane/Iris:" Muahhhhhhhh"

Zoe:" Goodnight"