Chapter 113

Chapter 113

3 PM.

The news of The M's agency's sale spread like wildfire. As expected, the entire country was in shock.

Some people worried that this might have been the beginning of the end of the Korean entertainment industry. They feared that Chinese companies would take over eventually. However, others thought this was a smart move. A major Chinese agency could provide more opportunities for The M.

Fans had mixed feelings about the new development. Some felt disappointed, worried that The M would now appear more on Chinese shows than Korean ones. Other fans, however, felt relieved that The M members now could have a better and more international career.

Meanwhile, the three members were having a relaxed time off in their hotel room.

Suddenly, Jiwoo said to Hyojun and Kiwook after checking his phone, "Hey guys, Mikyung and Hyoyoung left school early."

Kiwook replied, "Oh really? But why didn't Hyoyoung text me?"