A call

This was all a misunderstanding, wasn't it? I didn't just come back in time. It couldn't happen like this! I had a perfect life already, far from those metaphysical beings that once almost shattered my world. I didn't want to go back. Even just for the sake of enjoying time with Dante. But why was I here? What was the purpose of sending me back?

I glanced at my dad, whom I recognized was still alive and kicking. I studied his face for a few seconds and felt very, very nostalgic. This was my dad. He was still here. By now I wanted to stop thinking about near-death experience and whatnot because he's here, right beside me.

I saw him scratching his beard as he read the flyer in his hands that was, probably, not in English, as he picked it up in one of the stores in the airport. He was always scratching his beard when he was confused. I blinked the tears away and took one of his hands.

I didn't dare to look up, for the fear of really crying and make him worry more. But these tears were so stubborn and flowed my cheeks instantly. I gripped his hands tightly as I sobbed. I missed him so much.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I missed you so much..." I managed to choke out after some hiccups.

He was silent. I was still scared to look at him, so I didn't know if he was staring at me or if he did, what kind of expression would he make. But I felt him gripping back, and I felt a kiss planted itself on my head.

"Ssh. It's okay, Linkin... I missed you too. Your mom misses you too, we still love you," He wrapped his hands around me and caressed my head.

I hid my face on the nape of his neck and cried, "I love both of you... Please, don't leave me again..."

"You know we're always there for you, Linkin..." He kissed my forehead and made me look at him, "We will be there with you every step of the way. Okay?"

I stared at him while silently hiccupping. No... You will leave me... You will leave me and make me experience those things again... Was what I wanted to tell him. But I didn't. Instead, I glanced at the window to see the plane ascending. I was finally leaving this wretched place.


The trip took less than a day, and it was now nearing midnight. My mom immediately held onto me and cried until it was time for dinner, about less than 5 hours ago. Of course, that was without saying that I, too, cried and held onto her like a dear little child.

She was a loving mother, and very amazing. I thought all moms are amazing. So when a person as amazing as her cried, not counting my real reason of crying, would always make me cry. Once, she cried at a TV commercial and I had to fake slicing up onions to cover holding myself up for crying. I don't even cook.

I think you would've already guessed she wanted to sleep with me, and I will answer that by 'Yes'. Here we were, on my bed, cuddling. Well~ She was already asleep though.

All of these events were unbelievable. I mean, it was unbelievable even from the time I was with Dante, but Dante was still alive when I tried to cross that street. It's a different case from my parents, who were long gone before that happened. So by being here, in my home, in my room, holding my mom, I couldn't be assured more that I had regressed.

On one side, I was happy because this was an opportunity to start over. But on the other side, I was scared of losing my parents again. Because I...

I shook my head lightly, 'No. I won't let that happen.'

If I remember correctly, I was twenty, in this timeline. This means I still have 3 years to plan their lives. It felt very weird thinking about all these. It's like I'm playing the Sims but I didn't have to worry about building the houses. Not to mention this was real life, not a simulation.

I looked at my mom's sleeping face and smiled. Maybe this was my reason for coming back here. To save the both of them.

I looked up towards the ceiling and thought, 'Thank you. I'll make sure to save both of them.'

I didn't know to what deity or force it was who brought me back, but I'm sincerely thanking them.


A month passed by quickly. The days went by quite eventful and uneventfully... Some relatives came to check on me. I got to meet Auntie Alana and little Simon again. Simon was, by now, still a middle schooler. I remembered he was in his senior year in the original timeline.

Auntie gave me cookies and bought me some new clothes, and little Simon gave me a peck on the cheek. They were very sweet.

I looked at the calendar and digital clock on my desk. It's now 3 PM, 29th of September. 4 months from now would be the end of this semester. Since our field project failed because of 'the incident', my score would flunk in that subject and I had to take it again the next year. Fortunately, the dean was very generous and asked us to change the place for the makeup project. In the original timeline, I went to Canada, joining some juniors. Maybe I could do that again here. I just had to map all the important events that I want to change. So that was the reason I'm sitting at my desk now, to plan the future events!

I was so excited since I had few years' prior knowledge. This was a god-sent opportunity for me to restart. At that moment, I could hear my phone vibrating from beside me. I looked at the caller ID, it was a number I didn't know. But this was probably just one of the relatives checking on me, so I picked up.


It was silent on the other side. I checked again to see whether the number was real, I mean, if it has the qualified quantity to make up for a phone number. It was, so I put my ears closer again. This time, I heard a voice that was all too familiar.

"Hey, Lynn, it's me... Glenn," the person said.

I bit my bottom lip on relflex. Hearing his voice wavered my sight for a bit, but luckily I recovered.

"What do you want?" I spat.

There was a pause and I heard a sigh, "Not you too, please..."

I rolled my eyes, "It was also your fault. You had to agree."

"I know... And I'm really, sorry," I could hear the sound of gasps and sobs.

Was he crying?

"Andrew pushed me away too... Please... I didn't know, Lynn..." I could hear his sobs getting louder.

I bit the inside of my cheek. Was I too harsh on him? I sat back on my chair and thought of my response. Maybe I was too harsh on him. He might be telling the truth, and even though we were not very close, I thought that I just pushed him away was still too impolite. I decided to just wait for him to calm down.