I am planning on joining my squad to travel and find a secluded area. We're a squad of adventurers. We love taking on adventures, dangerous adventures to be exact. Finding ancient or rare things is our passion. Actually, I already found a rare type of jewelry made of different special stones. I don't sell those kinds of rare things, even if it worths thousands or millions. For me, it's special. My life is being described by those rare things.

After days of thinking, I decided to join my squad to travel with them. This time, we're going to an unknown island. One of my friends, John, has his own yacht. I, Anna, Lisa, Carl, and Marlon will just have to bring basic resources that are good for several weeks.

When that day finally came, I gladly meets with them. After all, we've been adventuring together since a decade ago. We've already travelled to different places around the world. From the bottom of the caves to the highest mountains, it's fun but too dangerous. Anyway, I don't actually fear death. I am more scared of doing nothing than dying. For me, I would rather be killed by a large bear than to die sitting on a boring chair.

A scientist named 'Rick' decided to join with us before we began sailing. He's a nice guy. He brought an electrifier gun and his "science kit". I shake hands with him, and smile at him. We then began to set sail. I talked to Marlon in the cabin about personal things, so that I won't get bored. Then, I took a bath and finally rest in my own cabin.

It's in the middle of the night, when I woke up because of the rumbling of the sky. I feel a little bit dizzy as our yacht is shaking. I did not expect that a storm would come for us. I stand up from the bed and go outside of the cabin to check others. Carl and Lisa are sleeping on their cabins. John's been steering the wheel for hours now, so Marlon decided to change place with him. John told us that he will just go to his cabin and take a rest. I nod at him and smile. I then talk to Anna at the side.

"Where are we now?" I asked.

"We're in the Pacific. It's really dangerous to sail here. This is my first time, so I'm a little bit scared." she answered.

"Don't worry. Have faith. Nothing bad will happen to us."

Anna smiled. I went back to my room to get back to sleep. However, the sounds won't let me sleep peacefully. I'm struggling hard to fall asleep because of the thunderous sky plus the terrible shaking of our yacht. So in the end, I decided to stay awake.

After a while, the storm passed away. I heard from Marlon that the radar of our yacht is not working anymore. John woke up from sleep as well as the others. Dawn is about to come, Lisa and Anna go to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. I am checking around the yacht to see if we take any damage from the storm. Luckily, there is none. Then, I heard a loud shout from Marlon saying, "Guys! There's an island right there!"

We rushed towards him to have a look of the island.

"Woaw! It's great! We found an island!" Rick said.

"I wonder what is in there." Carl added.

John looks at us and says, "We better be careful, guys. We don't know anything about this island. This seems new. Look on the waters." then he points on it with his finger. We look on the water below us. The ground below the water can be seen. We also saw different corals and marine creatures below us. I actually want to dive in because of its clear water. We never saw such clear sea before. Not even once in our lifetime. Carl then controls the yacht to go to the seashore and land there.

We heard Anna and Lisa calling us to eat our breakfast. So we walk downstairs to go to the kitchen where there is also a dining room. While we are eating, the scientist cannot make a call.

"Obviously, there is no signal in here. So calls won't work. Not even chats." Carl said.

"I know. I'm just tryin'. To see if we are really in an unknown place. But isn't it strange? It only took a day for us to reach this place? Normally, it would take weeks before we even set foot to an unknown island, but in just a day, we're here." Rich said.

Logically, he is right. I also think the same way. Yesterday, we're just in our country. But in just a sudden, we're here? It's totally mind-blowing. We are living in a modern world. I know that there are so many places around the world that are still unexplored, but I'm sure that, at least, places near in each country were explored already, especially ours. This island seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere.

When we're done eating, we prepared to set foot on the island. It's quite a nice day. I took a knife, a gun, and my personal bag. I also wore my hat and my jacket. I'm ready to travel with them, but Carl isn't yet. He asked me to help him wear his suit made of leather, and so I helped him.

We finally set foot on the island. I can't feel anything but bliss. The sound of the waves slapping the sand, the twitting birds, and the wind; It makes me feel that I want to stay in this place forever. Lisa wants to play in the sand for a while, however, John calls us all into the forest. Rick is observing the sands, and examining the plants around.

After that, we began walking on our way inside the forest. Rick told us that the plants of this island are new; he had never seen those kinds of plants before. I am just speechless. After almost two hours of walking, we found a bizarre kind of village. Houses were made of bones and skulls. But those bones are no ordinary; it is too large and perfectly shaped for the house. It seems like people living in the village got those bones from large beasts. Rick and Anna were amazed. We checked if there are people living in here, but we found none.

Rick examined the bones. He speculated that these bones might be centuries old. There are also totems built around. The Totems have the head of a seemingly demonic face. There are also torches, but there are no more fire in it. I look on the face of the totem. I am not scared though, but I felt a little bit strange as I gaze in it.

I'm also wondering that I never found a single animal in the island, not even a snake. Although, there are birds and insects; but we've never seen a single land animal around. It is crazy! I told John that we must find clues and other informations that will tell us about the island. John nodded. We're sure that there were people who lived in here because of the village we are in now. After all, who will build this village if there is no people?

"Hey, why are you so worried? Calm down." Carl said unto me.

It is true that I feel like I'm worrying to something I don't even know. I don't know how to answer him, so I just sit calmly on the floor and be silent. We spend the day searching around the village for a clue that will tell something about the island. We found a painting and strange writings on the wall. Rick does not know what is the meaning of the writings, neither Anna who studied archaelogy. The painting had been painted using black dye and blood-like paint. It portrays a tribe of strange people bowing down in front of a large black figure. It creeps out both Lisa and Anna.

"Could this painting be true?" Lisa asked in fear.

"No one from us can answer that. We have to prepare for possible worse outcome." John said.

It's getting darker in the island. I just noticed that the hands of my watch stopped on moving. I opened my bag to get some snacks. Carl and Marlon take some branches and weeds around so we can have a bonfire. John and Rick are talking at the side, while Anna takes a nap. When Carl and Marlon returned, I quickly used the match to start a fire so that Lisa can finally cook our meal.

It is already night. I can hear the hoot coming from owls. Now, it is really strange. I can now confirm that no single land-walking animal is really in the island. There are only birds, insects, and marine creatures. I don't know why. It's pretty crazy.