Chapter No.9

Book: The Living Ai

Author: By a stupid cunt.

Translator : Just shut the fuck up and read.

Adam looked at the notification and then at the Vilx of Zee Summra standing in front of him. He would have showered him curses because he just said he is not dark and everything happens for a reason so why the hell do you want revenge. But... He knew what he hadbeen through.

This was not the problem of Zee Summra but it was the problem of 'Zee Adams'.

Yes. He gave himself a new name. When we are born, Our parents give us name and thanks to that name we are able to be known as a particular person.

Think your father name is John. His father name is john and your name is also john. Your neighbour name is also John. Now that's Johnny Fucking shit. People will start thinking who is your father? Your neighbour, Your grandfather or your father. Maybe at worst case scenario...

You will be your own father. Now that's a motherfucking fuck.

Sometimes... I write too much shit.

He gavee himself this name because he was newborn. And the power was given to him by the old mad genius. He was not once like that. Adam respected him and his goal. That's why he will take revenge for him. The nightmare of Ash and Elia is about to begin.


Country X, City X, At A big seven star restaurant...

On the top floor of that humongous Building was a pool. Two bulky people was sitting there grinning like fuck and sitting there enjoying their night that they passed with the most beautiful Actress of the Country.

Suddenly, A man in suit ran toward first bulky and ugly looking black person (Not a Racist). The black man looked at him with a glare and a little anger because he still had some time with that beautiful actress which was inside the pool enjoying herself after that insane 'Workout' with them.

The man in suit was sweating. He hurriedly said, "Boss... O.. Our ac.. accounts has b...een hacked. And all y..our inform..ation about Drugs and Dope has been leaked."

The white bulky man looked at him instantly and the trigger of his gun was clicked sending a bullet inside the head of the suited man who was the secretary of his and the black man.

" What should we do now Dog?" Said the black man to white man. "Nothing... Just enjoy our last good fuck with her. President will handle the shit." Came the reply.

While the same thing was happening. The actress that was inside the pool got a message and went outside the pool towards the drinking area.

She went to the bar moving her ass and giving those two men that vibe. She went to the counter and took out three glasses. She looked behind and saw them talking with the suited secretary. And then when the white man shot him she took out a spray and sprayed it inside the two glasses while they were talking with each other and not looking at her.

When they were done and looked at her she brought out a 'Legacy', Legacy by Angostura Rum, (Cost:$35,100...) and poured it inside the glasses. she took her own glass out and gave the sprayed glass to both of them.

She carefully stood up, took a sip and went in front of them, Starting to reveal her slender curves. The trick worked and both of them started to drink it. When the show stopped, They both were gone unconscious.

She took her phone out and started to call some certain one...President.

The president was none other than Ash Willgood. And they both were those two goones that he had at university time. They both were with him from start and were loyal also So he made them his 'personal' people. He gave them shares and believe in them. But today something happened that made the Ash blood boil.

While Ash and Those two goones were enjoying with each other. Elia was also doing something of her own. Twenty years ago, Ash helped her in movie industry. And she also had some of his 'Perks'. Some People started to like her and some rich people also started to like her. And who won't... She was a fucking a Hot smoke bomb.

Now she is an international superstar. But today something happened that she didn't know will happen. Some of her videos went viral without her knowing. Those videos were not that much just Her smoking weed.

Her getting gang fucked and her enjoying it.

Her videos with some high standard people like politicians, Directors and Producers. Some were also with Actors.

Well that was not something huge. Something huge was, her killing and torturing some people. Her videos with some international illegal people. But something was not good because people were not able to find her. Even Agencies who has big dick and hand in finding them were not able to find her.

Only God knows where she is now.


Hello my people...

Well please pray for me if you have time. Day after tomorrow is my NET exam. Please it can change my future. And Don't worry I am not going to drop it. If I want to I will tell you.

I have a lot of things to study and this story has a long way to go. So... Thank You.