CHAPTER - 2 Let's earn lots of spirit stone!!!

After about half an hour later, they reached the foot of the mountain and a small village can be seen not far away.

They pass the farm and Paddy fields, and some domestic beasts; unlike earth the domestic animals are beast like animal.

Lu shanying eyes shone and got excited as she saw the domestic beasts that looks like a pig but with a snake like tail, a cow with a thick long hair. Chicken with a wing that looks like it is made of steel.

Soon they reached a small rundown house that is far away from other house in the village.

When they reached the courtyard, a handsome little boy, came out from the kitchen. He is like a mini version of Lu Xin. He is Lu shanying brother, Lu Ming.

"Dad.... Shan Shan you're back!!!! I've already filled up the barrel, go and wash. I will ready the table for dinner." Lu Ming said as he walk back to the kitchen.

Lu xin put down his basket and take Lu shanying to the backyard near the well to clean themselves up.

When they went inside the house, Lu ming have already put three bowl of gruel and a plate of boil beans on the table.

"Let's eat", Lu xin said. Lu xin and lu ming ate the food like it's the most delicious food in the world.

Lu shanying mouth twitch and wrinkles her eyebrows, "I can't be picky about food at time like this. If I don't eat then I will get hungry and it seems like there's nothing else to eat in the kitchen either. Endure..... I've to endure till I earn lots of money". she says to herself as she gulped down the tasteless gruel and bean .

After dinner Lu ming clean the table and wash the dishes, while Lu xin check his basket.

Lu shanying walked towards Lu xin, and asked "Dad... what did we harvests today?"

"Two level 2 blue flame hare, three level 1 water elemental pheasant, spirit grass and 100 years old ganoderma. Aahhh.... A good harvest... never have I had a good harvest like this before... We can sell this 100 years old ganoderma in high price... Shan shan, dad will buy you and your brother a new clothes tomorrow." Lu xin smile with a high spirit.

"How much will we get for all dad?" Lu shanying asked. She have to make plan and understand the market about this world first, if she wants to get stronger and break free from poverty.

"We can sell this 100years old ganoderma for atleast 2 mid-tier spirit stone. the blue flame hare and water elemental pheasant are cheap and only cost 10 low-tier spirit stone each. The spirit grass we can sell them for about 200 low-tier spirit stone." Lu xin said happily and added, "it will be able to cover all this year expenditure".

"What's the difference between low-tier and mid-tier spirit stone?" Lu shanying started her investigation.

"1000 low-tier spirit stone equal to 1 mid-tier spirit stone and 1000 mid-tier spirit stone equal to 1 top-tier spirit stone." Lu xin explain patiently.

"If we only eat gruel and only one side dish in every meal, of course it will last us this year." Lu shanying thought.

" Tomorrow I will bring you and your brother to the nearby town to sell it.... It's getting late now, go and take bath and sleep." Lu xin said.

Lu shanying went inside the bedroom and took a towel and went out to the backyard well.

After taking bath, she felt fresh and energetic. Then went inside the bedroom to sleep.

'I guess it's around 7 p.m. Hmmm.... it's still early so Let's cultivate...." Lu shanying thought as she start reciting the qi concentration manual. She felt warm in her dantian region.

She made a discovery that her qi strands is a bit greyish colour. From the original owner memory, different people have different qi colour.

From her knowledge of reading novels, she came up with a conclusion. If one's rush on refining qi and accumulating qi, than paying attention on the quality of the qi colour; the darker the qi colour will be.

'Then let's prove my theory is true or not'.

She start re-refining the qi in her dantian instead of accumulating more qi.

The qi stand start changing it's colour after sometime. About 20 minutes later, the greyish qi colour has completely turn into a dazzling golden color. Then spend half an hour to re-refining that golden qi strand but nothing happen as if it reached it's limit.

From her observation, the greyish qi color turn into eggshell white, pure white, creamy white, vanilla white, yellow and then golden color.

From the original owner memory, people have different kind of grey, white and yellow shade qi colour but never heard of a person with golden qi colour.

Lu shanying and her family have a five elemental spiritual root, which is considered as a worst type of spiritual root. Because those with a single element spiritual root cultivation speed is faster and brand as a geniuses in all the continent.

While those with five element spiritual root have to cultivate all the element at the same time, which take a long time to breakthrough a level.

Lu shanying continue to re-refine the remaining qi. When her father came in it's almost 10 p.m. and she only able to refine 4 golden qi strand. That is 1/100th of the qi strands in her dantian region.

Lu shanying and Lu xin share bed, since Lu shanying is only 7 years old.

Lu shanying shamelessly put her tiny arm around Lu xin waist and drift off to sleep.

The next day before dawn break, Lu xin woke up Lu shanying. After having breakfast, they set off to the nearest town.

When they reached the town, it's almost 9 a.m. First they went to Pharmacy to sell the spiritual herbs, they got 3 mid-tier and 250 low-tire spirit stones for it; which is more than they expected. Then went to one of the famous restaurant in the town called Blue Lotus restaurant. After selling the game at the backdoor. Lu xin take them through the main door to eat lunch, since they got lots of spirit stone he decided to treat his children to a delicious lunch.

They order braised pork, braised beef short rib, and chicken soup.

The dishes are so fragnant, and Lu shanying drool over it. But when the food reached her mouth, the taste are nothing like the smell. They amount of spices they used are not right and effect all the taste.

Her heart bleed thinking that they have to pay 280 low-tire spirit stone for it.

When they pay for the meal, Lu shanying asked for the manager. When the manager came, Lu shanying proposed to sell a more delicious recipe for the braised beef short rib, braised pork and chicken soup.

"What a little girl like you know? Our restaurant is one of the best in the town... No one never complained about the taste instead we got praise all the time!!!" the manager shout at Lu shanying angrily.

"That's because they never ate real delicious food." Lu shanying retort.

Lu xin and Lu ming who stood by the side are stupefied. Even though their shan shan is spoil and impulsive with them, when it comes to other people especially stranger she is timid. This is the first time they saw shan shan arguing with other people except them. Not to mention someone with a higher status.

"Throw them out!!!!!" the manager shout at the workers.

The two servant boy pulls at shan shan arms, just as Lu xin tries to stop them a young boy dress in a white rope with a golden bamboo patterns; walks in with two companion.

"What's going on here?" the boy asked.

The manager shiver when he saw the boy face but quickly compost himself, he bow down and said, "Young master, these people are making a ruckus and said that are food is not good. I was just about to throw them out." explaining quickly.

"Hmmm..... and do you have a better recipe that can surpass our dishes, little girl" the young boy asked Lu shanying.

" Yes.... I told him that I have a more delicious recipe and proposed to sell it to him. But he shout at me and tries to kick me out!" Lu shanying said haughtily while pointing her finger at the manager.

The young boy didn't expect Lu shanying would reply like that, judging from their clothes he thought that they are here to extort money after causing a ruckus.

"Then what will you do if it doesn't surpass our dishes?" the young boy said smiling.

"I don't need to make any promises because it's way more delicious than your recipes". Lu shanying said confidently.

"Then make it for us, but if it's not better than our recipes...." the young boy paused deliberately creating a momentum, " you have to pay us 1 mid-tier spirit stone for wasting our ingredients and time".

"Sure..." Lu shanying replied.

"Take her to the kitchen and gives her everything she need" the young boy said.

Lu shanying went inside the kitchen and began cooking. The manager kept a close eyes to her incase she is here to steal things. The young boy and his companion waits calmly, chatting while drinking tea.

Lu xin and Lu ming are anxious and nervous while waiting for Lu shanying. They don't care about paying for the spirit stone, instead they are worried that if shan shan offended them; they might lost their lives.

About 1 hour later, shan shan came out from the kitchen holding a tray. In the tray there is braised pork, braised beef short rib and chicken soup. The fragnant is much different than their dish, even the arrangements and decorations are like art very pleasing to the eyes.

The young boy pick up his chopstick and put the braised pork in his mouth, the meat is tender and soft, it could almost melt in his mouth, the sweet and spicy savory flavor. He have never tried such delicious food even in the capital. The braised beef short rib and chicken soup didn't let him down either. Before he knows all the plates are empty.

The manager and his companion looked at him with their mouth wide open, they have never seen this young master eat something like a rogue. As someone from a noble family, his every move is elegant and noble.

The young master cough out of embarrassment.

"How much are you willing to sell for?" he looks at Lu shanying with a humble tone he asked, which is much different from the indifferent tone he used before.

"500 mid-tier spirit stone for each recipe." Lu shanying replied with a stern face.

After giving a thought for a long run, and how much he could earn if they were to sold it in all their branch restaurant; his mouth curves up and his eyes glistening. He agreed and paid 1500 mid-tier spirit stone.

Lu xin amd Lu ming are still in shocked and can't come to their senses for a while and walked out from the restaurant quietly. Their mind are blank and the events keeps playing over and over again in their minds.

"Dad.... Aren't we going to buy new clothes?" Lu shanying voice wake them up from theirs daze.

"Right..." Lu xin said and led then to the shop where ready made dress and bolts of clothes are sold..

When they went inside Lu shanying didn't find anything she likes and this ancient clothes are very hard to walk with. So she thought of making a clothes herself.

"Dad let's just buy a bolts of clothes, and I will make our clothes myself" Lu shanying pleading her father.

"Shan shan ..... do you know how to make clothes?" Lu xin sighed helplessly.

"Yes... yes...." , she replied while nodding her head repeatedly, "I learned from those women in the village".

"Okay then whatever you want, since you have earned lots of spirit stone today".

They bought a bolt of blue, white, black, red clothes. And flower patterns cotton for quilt and its filling, the one in their home is not good and will not be warm enough in the winter. The shopkeeper present a low quality storage ring to keep their items since they bought lots of things from his shop.

Then they bought rice, flour, oil and spices from the nearby vendor. They didn't bought vegetables because it's way more cheaper to buy it from the villager.

"Dad.... I want to travel everywhere, let's earn lots of spirit stone to get stronger and travel around the world". Lu shanying looked hopefully at Lu xin.

Seeing his adorable daughter with a hopeful eyes he can't reject it, even though it's like a heaven that they can't touch for people like them.

"Sure.... Whatever shan shan want dad and your brother will get it for you." Lu xin said.

They went back home in a high spirit. When they reached home it's already twilight. Lu ming went into the kitchen to prepare dinner right away, Lu shanying follow him and with her help they have a delicious dinner they never had in their lives before.

After they done with the house chores. Lu shan shan pulls her brother and walks to her father.

"Dad.... I heard that a person with a white qi colour is stronger than a darker color qi, and a person with yellow color qi is much stronger," Lu shanying asked.

"That's true.... But it depends on one's luck. If the heavens blessed you when you were born, you will have a white color or even a yellow color qi," Lu xin said.

"But dad.... Last night when I re-refine my qi strands instead of cultivating further, my qi strand change from grey to white, from white to yellow and then golden qi." Lu shanying pouting her lips.

"What..... ????? " Lu xin and Lu ming shout at the same time.

"Show me....." he said as he take Lu shanying hand.

Lu shanying circulate her qi and a golden qi is emitted from her palm. Lu xin and Lu ming, both of them are stupefied and can't speak for a while.

"Dad....Ming ge-ge .... Both of you should re-refine your qi also. So our family can be stronger." Lu shanying chime in, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"In the legend, those who have golden qi can become God.... No one believes it since there's no one with a golden qi appears in the last 10,000 years." Lu xin said while thinking deeply.

"Then let's re-refine our qi... then we will become a God, if we keep getting stronger." Lu ming said energetically.

"it's not that easy to become a God, not a single person become God after the great battle 1,00,000 years ago, but there's no harm in re-refining your qi." Lu xin said.

Then their family of three begin their re-refining qi process.