Chapter 1


I screamed as my body fell through from the skies hundreds of feet off of the ground.

'This can't be happening, please tell me I'm dreaming!'

Unfortunately, this wasn't a dream. One way or another here I was basically skydiving without a parachute.

You really is true. Your life really DOES flash before your eyes at moments like these. Pleasant memories, mundane tasks...a simpler time when I wasn't about to be reacquainted with the ground for the final time. So where exactly did I go wrong? Well, the one good thing about the fact I'm gonna die, means I get to watch just WHERE it was that I screwed up...


"Haaaaaah..." A contented sigh escaped from my mouth as the episode of RWBY in front of me came to a close. "What a great way for season 4 to end..." Honestly, it really was. The finale of this season made me feel full and satisfied. Like I had somehow eaten a big meal...if that's possible. The titanic battle with the Nuckelavee, finally making it to Haven. And hell, Ren x Nora basically became canon.

Glancing out the window, I noticed the day had REALLY gotten away from me this time. The sky had become a murky dark blue of twinkling stars without my notice. The full moon hung in the air casting its pale light. Yawning, I lazily pushed myself off the bed stepping over the clothes and trash that littered my room. Yeah, I should really clean this place up. Later of course...if I felt like it.

"Ah pants my mortal enemy, we meet again."

Current laws dictated that I had to wear these in order to go out in public, but that didn't mean that I had to like it. Slipping on a pair of sweatpants, I headed to the bathroom to answer the call of nature. Entering the bathroom, my feet stepped on the cold white stone tiles causing me to shudder. These tiles made it quite unpleasant when waking up in the middle of the night and having to go to the bathroom.

I glanced at the mirror, noticing a few hairs on my chin. Caramel-colored skin with an oval-shaped face, and short curly brownish-black hair. I had a pair of intense brown eyes which often made me look much more serious than I actually was.

"Seems like I'll need to start shaving from now on."

I put my hand to my chin and turned my head. The tan face in the mirror obediently copying me as I observed the small hairs starting to form on my chin. "Now there's that handsome devil." I said with a chuckle at my reflection. Fortunately, no one was around to hear that. Though that's to be expected at...damn, I guess it really WAS late. Well, I still have time to sneak in a late-night walk before calling it a day. Leaving the bathroom, I was about to leave the house when...

"Where do you think YOU'RE going, Nathaniel?"

I turned around seeing Cameron sitting on the couch typing away on his laptop. Wait, how long has he been sitting there?

"Well now." Cameron adjusted his glasses, peering up from the computer. "Look who finally left their room. I had started to think you died in there or something."

"Oh ha ha. I'm going for a walk, does his majesty find this acceptable?"

"Hmph. 'His majesty' takes issue with the fact that it's quite late. You shouldn't even be up at this hour. What if you wake up late and can't make it to work on time?"

"Look who's talking, Mr. Baggy Eyes? You're still up, right?"

"I know, I know." Cameron said sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I had to cover someone else's assignments today, and this is taking forever since I haven't been able to focus..."

I shook my head. "You need to take a break everyone once in a while or you'll burn out dude. Anyway, I'll be right back."

"You're going out at this hour?" Cameron said with a hint of concern. "You really can't wait until morning? What if you get mugged or something?"

"Stop being such a baby, I'll be fine. And if I DO die, I'll haunt you for not stopping me like you should've done." I said, a devilish smile creeping up my face.

"That's not funny!" he yelled after me as I closed the door. "If you die I'm still gonna pry the rent from your cold dead hands!"

Heh, Cameron is just way too easy to tease. Still, he's a good guy though. And someone who has managed to put up with me for all this time. So bonus points for that. I do feel kinda bad about his job though. Someone as high strung as him doesn't need so much work piled on himself.


I took a deep breath of the night air. Its cool refreshing breeze filling my lungs and making me feel healthy and alive. I swear nights like these are the best. It's cool, quiet, and there's just a sense of tranquility that simply can't be found during the day. "It feels like it was only yesterday that the fourth season of RWBY came out, and now it's long do I have to wait for the next season to start?"

Now feeling a bit listless, I kept walking, trying to push those stupid thoughts out of my head. Looking around the neighborhood, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The reason I wasn't worried about coming out at this hour was that I had already gone on nightly walks a lot. Having walked these streets countless times, I could probably make it the next three blocks with my eyes closed. 'Ah, this really is a nice night, I can practically feel my tension fading away.'

"I wonder how long I'll have to wait for season five."


"Huh?" I fumbled around in my pocket pulling out a phone. "Who the heck would call me at...oh you gotta be kidding me."

I sighed opening the phone and putting it to my ear. "Dude, I haven't even been gone for five minutes, you need to chill..."

"Say what you want Nate, a little precaution never hurt anyone."

"Cameron, you keep bothering me and I'll make SURE a little precaution hurts someone."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Well, whatever, since you want to bother me during my relaxation time, I'll use you to talk for a bit."

"I was just checking up on you, there's still loads that I need to do."

"You waste my time, I'm wasting yours. You could probably use a break anyway."

Cameron sighed on the other end, having resigned himself to his fate. He had watched a little bit of RWBY at my request. Mostly because I wouldn't shut up about it until he did.

"Alright, but only for a little."

"Who's your favorite character?"

"Favorite character? Umm...I kind of like that blonde guy I guess."

"Sun Wukong?"

"Who's that?"

"The monkey guy."

"No no, the other blonde guy."

"Other blonde guy?" 'But who would Cameron...wait he isn't talking about...' "Cameron, you're not talking about Jaune are you?"

"Oh yeah, Jaune. Jaune...Art?"


"Right, that guy."

I let out a groan and pinched the bridge of my nose. "You've got to be kidding me. Him? He's your favorite character?"

"What? I'll admit he's a dork, but he makes me laugh sometimes. Plus I can admire how hard he works. Who's your favorite character?"

"Qrow Branwen."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the phone. "I...don't know who that is."

"Oh he's pretty cool, you see he..." I quickly went over some of the details about Qrow. His weapon, his personality, his funny moments, and a few other things. Cameron silently listened the entire time until I had finished.

"So basically...your favorite character is a drunken man-child."

"What?! Qrow's not-" A sudden bright light forced me to squint my eyes as an eighteen-wheeler truck roared past next to me on the street. "Qrow is not just some drunken man-child! You take that back!" I could hear Cameron laughing on the other end of the line. "Laugh it up, you little dweeb..." Coming to the edge of the sidewalk, I looked both ways before crossing. It was a little pointless considering that at this hour, there were only a few vehicles I could see, and they far away in the distance. "Come on, your favorite character isn't that great."

"You really think you could do better than him? This isn't like those stick fights you had as a kid."

"Of course I do! If I was in Remnant, I'd be kicking all kinds of ass!"