Chapter 7

Yang stood no more than fifteen feet away from me, engrossed in hugging her sister. What I wouldn't give to be Ruby right now...

'It's Yang! It's really her! What do I do?!'

Panicking, I grabbed one of the nearby shadow people and pulled it in front of me to hide myself. While it stopped talking, it didn't seem to react to me very much. Still trying to calm my heart, I made a strategic retreat to the windows of the vessel. "You got this Nate." I said heavily leaning against the glass. "A popular character you like and have seen many times. She's just right over there."

Okay so maybe I was taking this a little harder than I should have, but honestly, can you blame me? Let it be known that I am not the most social person. If someone walked up to me and started talking, then yes, I could usually talk to them normally. But I usually wasn't one to start the conversation. Add the fact that is this a fictional person who I'd never thought I'd ever meet in real life. Yeah, not so easy all of the sudden is it?!

'All that talk about living some great adventure and you can't even speak to a girl? Be a man and get your ass over there!'

I stood there with my legs rooted to the ground as the shadow people chatted in the background. No matter how I tried, it felt like my feet had become blocks of lead. I couldn't take a single step on the off chance I might actually go and talk to her.

Before I could muster up the courage to try again, the window in front of me flashed, suddenly working like a TV.

"The robbery was led the nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the local Vale police department. Back to you Lisa."

Ah Roman Torchwick, the villain who has it all. Looks, class, power, wit. He really isn't lacking in any of these. You just can't find villains like him lying around. Though this does beg the question, why is there a Vale police department, and no huntsmen department? I mean, you know you're doing a pretty shitty job when a couple of high school students do 10 times better in stopping the actual crimes than your entire department.

The screen shifted, now talking about a Faunus protest that had gone wrong when it suddenly shut off, replaced by a projection of a woman with light blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon." "Ah, I know this person. Glyn-something right?" "My name is Glynda Goodwitch." "Right, right."

"You are among a privileged few who have the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task. And now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

A devilish smile crept up my face. who WOULDN'T get excited after hearing all that. Shortly after her speech, Beacon Academy came into view. Even from up here in the sky, the school was massive, almost like its own little world. What interested me the most was the towering castle in the back with faintly glowing orbs near the top.


"There it is."

"We're really here."

Clamoring could be heard as the students all peeked out from the windows to get a look. As the ship landed, I started making my way to the front, when a white and blonde streak nearly bowled me over as it ran to the nearest garbage can and started puking.

"Yikes." Jaune looked pretty miserable hurling his guts out. Normally I'd probably go over to talk, but my opinion of him really isn't the greatest, so I don't feel like it right now. Or ever, if I could help it. There were more pressing matters on my mind.

"Yang is just ten feet from you, TEN FEET! Just ten little steps and you can just say hi. That's all you gotta do." Once again my legs felt heavy at such a prospect, but this time I felt a bit more ready.

'One step, two steps, three...' I fought my way over to her bit by bit, each step more difficult than the last. I had taken about five steps, halfway to Yang when.

"Well, actually my friends are here." Yang said waving to her sister. "Gotta go, byyyyyyye!" A group of shadow people suddenly appeared around Yang and they all ran off.

I couldn't help but sigh, having chickened out and missed mt chance. " what? Talking to Ruby should be a lot easier than with Yang, but Jaune will probably show up like before and..." I looked up and sure enough, Jaune helped Ruby up to her feet and introduced himself just like in the second episode.

"Screw it." I said pulling my suitcase. "I'll just go find the locker room by myself." Surely something as easy as that would be a cakewalk right?

I spent the next HALF HOUR walking up and down the school paths before I realized something.

"I have no idea where anything is..."

You'd think having watched every single episode of RWBY meant that I'd know Beacon Academy like the back of my hand. To be fair, when I watched an episode I never needed to know the layout of the school. If I saw the characters in a classroom I'd think: 'Oh hey, they're in class.' I wouldn't bother scratching my head and wondering where the room was on campus or what facilities were next to it.

"Ugh! I must've passed that stupid ship spot like ten times already. Why aren't students given a brochure for a place this big? Or at least a directory." I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. The first day of my new and exciting life so far had been anything but.

"Um, excuse me?" a female voice said from behind.

"What do you want?" I was not in a good mood. Turning around, I saw a girl adorned in golden armor with the reddest hair you'd ever see. A familiar face I'd know all too well. Pyrrha! Another main character encounter so soon! My first impression might not've been that great. Okay...let's try this again.

"I didn't mean to trouble you." Pyrrha said.

I sucked in a deep breath of air, causing the girl to raise her brows. My arm shot out for a handshake, stopping right in front of Pyrrha, causing her to flinch. "Hi."

The red-haired girl looked me over with a slightly confused look on her face before giving an uneasy smile. "Hello." she said tentatively taking my hand and shaking it. "Are you alright?"

"What? Me? Yeah, totally fine, why do you ask?"

"Oh, that's good." Pyrrha said placing her hand on her chest and making a relieved expression. "I was concerned because this is the third time you've circled around back to the landing platform."

'Aw crap...she saw that?'

My expression wasn't missed by Pyrrha. She put a few fingers on her mouth suppressing a chuckle...probably for my sake. "Are you by chance...lost?"

"Ugh." no use trying to play it cool now. "Yeah, I'm lost. I thought I'd look around since we've all got time before the exam. You know, take in the sights. But this place is so big it's hard to find anything!"

"It does take some getting used to." Pyrrha said with a sympathetic smile. "Would you like me to show you around?

"Huh? You really wouldn't mind?"

"Well, it's like you said, we've all got some extra time and mine seems to be free right now."

"Thanks, that'd be awesome!"

"It's decided then."