Chapter 15

"Oh this is bad..."

Team RWBY looked to be in a really dangerous situation. Deathstalker rampaging on the ground, Nevermore causing havoc in the skies, and still no Pyrrha. Last time, both teams were able to deal with these monstrosities. But their last encounter didn't include me. I was a FAR-CRY from being able to replace Pyrrha. Without her here, there would be a lot more pressure to deal with than the previous battle.

"We have to go help!" said Jaune drawing his sword.

"Wait!" I shouted, stepping in front of him. "We can't just jump in there willy-nilly! If we do we'll get crushed!"

My fighting prowess isn't very impressive right now, so rushing in against these kinds of grimm was out of the question. What am I supposed to do, I don't even know my own semblance.

"Come on." Nora said giving me a pat on the back and trying to be reassuring. "You don't know that for sure."

"Yes I do! I" Wait a minute.

"What? The show?" The orange-haired teen seemed taken aback by my words. Her teammates standing around her looked similarly befuddled.

That's IT! I watched the show! I might not be a great fighter, but there IS still something I can do! I know just about everything about the characters present here. Their backstories, their fighting styles, their semblances! All of it! This kind of knowledge is invaluable on the battlefield. We might still be able to win without Pyrrha! I'm not a fan of running headfirst into danger, but sitting back and watching while Team RWBY got hurt was even more out of the question.

"We'll go out there." I said to my confused teammates "Just...give me a second to think." What's the best way to handle this? I took a deep breath making a praying gesture with my hands and resting the tips of my fingers on my face. "Let's see...Ren' Yang, Weiss. Nora...Nora. But how..."

My teammates' expressions gradually became darker, watching Team RWBY struggle as I murmured to myself.

"Well?!" Jaune asked impatiently

"Alright alright. I've got something." It's not a GREAT plan, but it's the best I can do on short notice. "Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna rush out and cause an enormous commotion. Ren, try and take the Deathstalker's attention by shooting it with your pistols." "Nora." I said turning to her. "Save your ammunition, when I give the signal I want you to hit that grimm with your heart grenade formation thingy."

Nora blinked in surprise, probably about how I knew about her weapon, but then she gave a confident grin. "You got it!."



We all burst out of the forest and into the grassy clearing yelling at the top of our lungs. Not the most majestic appearance I'll admit. Everyone froze at the sudden outburst. Team RWBY had puzzled looks on their faces. The Deathstalker perked up at our hollering and swiveled around to face our group, even the Nevermore high in the sky turned to cock its head at us.

"WEISS! NOW!" I yelled cupping my hands over my mouth. "FREEZE THAT THING'S LEGS!" The white-haired princess took a second to compose herself before shaking off her surprise.

"Listen you! I don't need help from-"


With an irritated sigh, Weiss took a graceful stance, aligning her sword to the middle of her face. A spiraling white glyph appeared under the Deathstalker who was too busy with its attention on us to notice.


The grimm cried out in surprise as an enormous chunk of ice materialized right from under it, freezing its legs to the ground.

"GRAAAAAAH!" I lifted my silver spear and slammed the pointed end diagonally into the ground with as much force as Aero's muscles would allow. "NORA!"

"With pleasure!" Nora leaped high in the air landing on the end of the spear and springing forward. She giggled, sailing over the restrained Deathstalker as Magnhild shifted from a large hammer to a grenade launcher which then opened up its front end. "Say ahhhhh..." Nora clicked the trigger sending a deceptively cute stream of grenades in a heart formation.

"Take cover!" Ruby yelled as she and the rest of her teammates scattered from the unlucky beast.

Explosion after explosion occurred as the Deathstalker let out horrified shrieks with each one. When the pink smoke cleared, the giant grimm let out a creaking sound as its legs gave out on it, dropping with a thud.

"Did...did that do it?"

"Look out!"

I was barely able to turn my head in time as I saw a mass of black shadows streaking towards me. Instinctively, I covered my head and dove forward as the Nevermore rained down feathers skewering the ground. In the midst of that, someone grabbed my hand and yanked me over to cover behind the stone ruins. Taking a second to catch my breath I turned to thank my helper and saw Yang cautiously peeking around the edge at the large flying grimm.

"Here!" she said, thrusting a spear into my arms. "You forgot this."

"D-buh...thanks." As usual, I had a natural talent for being ultra suave and knowing exactly what to say to the ladies in any given situation.

Ren, Ruby, and a couple of the other students fired off at the Nevermore, their attacks leaving colorful streaks shooting through the air and crashing against their foe, but to no avail. With the exception of Nora's grenade launcher, their projectiles might as well have been spitballs. Another rain of feather blades forced them into cover.


I shuddered at the familiar screech as every student stopped what they were doing and turned to see Deathstalker who we had all assumed was dead, rise to its legs and charge forward.

'Well shit, my plan didn't work...'

Blake and Ren rushed forward to meet the grimm. Jumping and somersaulting over its pincers, their blades impressively flashed against the grimm's hide. The Deathstalker however completely unfazed, swung its pincers once more. There was a shrill sound as Blake suddenly disappeared from its range of attack, quickly reappearing just out the way. Ren was not so lucky. The force sent him flying backward, crashing into Jaune and landing next to me and Yang.

"Ugh..." Jaune quickly picked himself up. "We can't deal with this thing if we have to watch our back every five seconds for raining feathers!"

"Jaune's right, we're gonna have to split the two of them up. If one group finishes their grimm they can go help the others."

I turned towards Ruby and Weiss who's attention was still on the Nevermore. I can't remember exactly how the Deathstalker was killed, but if memory serves, Team RWBY was able to handle the Nevermore themselves by dragging it up a cliff like a guillotine. Problem is, my actions have already changed events a little. So it wasn't GUARANTEED they'd kill it the exact same way. "Can I leave that thing to your team?" I asked Yang gesturing to the flying grimm.

"C'mon, who do you think you're talking to?" she said flashing me one of her signature grins. "You just be sure to take care of 'grumpy' over there."

"Right." I took a deep breath readying myself for what was to come and sprinted out from behind my rocky cover. The Nevermore squawked seeing me and Yang make a dash for our respective teams and turned around for another bombing run.

"Nora!" I yelled. "Still got some grenades?"

The orange-haired girl parried one of the Deathstalker pincers, briefly disengaging from it. "Yeah! Want me to heart bomb it again?"

"No, its hide is too tough. Try and see if you can get it to follow us into the forest. We might be able to slow it down a little there. After that, well..." I'm not really sure what to do after we got the Deathstalker to follow us. I had kinda hoped that my first plan would be enough to kill it. The only thing I can think of right now is taking some pressure off of team RWBY. "I'll figure something out...maybe."

"You got it Mr. Psychic."

Nora put her fingers to her lips and loudly whistled causing Blake and Ren to look in her direction. After seeing her weapon change to a grenade launcher again the two of them immediately understood and pulled back. The Deathstalker turned to follow them but stopped as it was enveloped in a pink explosion.

"Yoo-hoo!" Nora waved at the creature turning its attention on us once more. "Come and get us!"

Me, Nora, Ren, and Jaune sprinted for all we were worth into the forest with that thing hot on our tail. My breath starting to become ragged as we moved, beads of sweat appearing on my body. Though if we're being honest, I was probably sweating more out of fear rather than exhaustion. Once again, pretty grateful I'm in Aero's trained body right now, because there is no way I could ever perform like this under normal circumstances.

The ground shook behind us with the Deathstalker charging at us with full speed. 'Good lord, it sounds like we're being chased by a train!' Making it to the forest on time, I quickly dove to the side. There was a shattering sound behind me as the grimm smashed its way through the trees like they were glass. "Gah!" I covered my face as an explosion of splinters rained down on me and my teammates. Quickly getting back together, the four of us stood before our enormous opponent.