"Whoa!" Aero ducked as a claw whizzed over his head, barely missing him by a few inches. He flipped backwards, landing on his hands and pushing off onto his feet once more. "Almost didn't see you there."
A third Beowulf had nearly caught him by surprise while he was focused on the two in front of him. Letting out low growls, the three of them suddenly sprang forward, hoping to catch him in a pincer attack. Aero chuckled, raising a silver and purple spear, and catching the claws of the Grimm in front of him. Extending his free hand backward, the movement of the other two beasts suddenly halted in their movements as if caught in an invisible net.
"Three of you huh? Guess that's enough for one final warm-up."
Aero's leg lashed out at the Grimm in front of him, catching the Beowulf behind its leg where the knees would be. The creature let out a surprised cry as its leg gave out forcing it to kneel. Putting both hands on the weapon, Aero jabbed the pole of the spear horizontally, slamming the Grimm in the face and following up with a quick slash to its throat once he had gotten some distance between them.
It let out one last growl before collapsing onto the grass. Immediately, the force surrounding the other two Beowolves disappeared and they mindlessly shot forward, intent on tearing him to shreds. Aero twirled his spear, taking a stance as they both ran at him. He blocked a claw swipe, immediately angling his weapon to catch the other grimm as it lunged at him. Catching the pole part of the spear in its mouth, snapping shut inches from his face.
"Phew! Your breath stinks!"
Aero pressed a small button on the side of his spear causing the bottom part of the spear to open up into a three-pronged claw and catching one of them by the legs. He took a solid stance and roared, swinging the spear to cause the trapped grimm to go flying. It slammed into a tree as the chain on the spear extended. Pulling on it once more, the dazed grimm was yanked forward crashing into the other beowolf before having the spear thrust through its chest.
The last grimm stared helplessly as Aero approached it. The previously stabbed grimm still on top of it and not having dissolved yet.
"Be a good boy, and I'll make this quick."
The Beowolf felt an unusual sensation surround it before seeing the Huntsman in training raise his weapon and bring it down onto its neck causing its vision to go black.
Aero leaned his weapon against a tree and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. The sun had already started to set, casting a few shadows around the vibrant green woods. Today was the last day before his future would be decided. He let out a sigh and picked up his spear, starting towards home. "Looks like I'd better get used to all this fighting, I'll be doing it a lot from now on."
It wasn't as though he hated fighting. It was fun at times, a good stress reliever, and he was certainly good at it. No, part of the reason he took issue with it, was that as a huntsman, fighting was pretty much all that he'd ever do. "Encounter the grimm, fight them. Encounter the White Fang, fight them. Encounter any sort of problem, fight them. Such diversity I have to look forward to..."
However, these were all just minor grievances for him. The real reason why Aero was opposed to the path of a huntsman, was that someone else picked it for him...
"I'm home!"
Aero walked into the small house with a sigh and tossed his coat on the couch before falling onto it himself, feeling rather spent.
"Welcome back." called a friendly voice a room away. "You're a little later than usual."
"Yeah sorry about that, I encoun-"
Aero stopped mid-sentence as a tantalizing aroma entered his nostrils. Immediately, the fatigue filling his body was washed away, and he instinctively found its way to the kitchen where he saw his mother in an apron holding a tray smiling at him.
"Are those..."
"Barbecued pork cutlets? They might be." the woman said with a knowing grin.
"You might want to let them cool down first. I made them to celebrate your first day at Beacon."
Aero paused after hearing this and shook his head. "That's okay...I'm not hungry anymore."
The woman frowned, setting down the tray before sitting down.
"Dear, I know you don't like this idea, I'm not crazy about it either. But your dad is just trying to do what he thinks is best."
"For himself." Aero scoffed. "Do you remember what I got for my sixth birthday?
His mother sighed, having had this conversation a few times already. "Dumbells?"
"That's right. Instead of something normal like a soccer ball or a dart gun he got me a pair of dumbells! It's like I didn't have a choice from the start."
His mother put her hand on his shoulder. "I know this is hard, but give it a try. It might not be as bad as you think." she gave him an amused smile. "And please don't disappear right before the examination like the last time. Your dad nearly had a heart attack when you didn't show up, and couldn't attend the academy. If you do it again he might just put a leash on you."
Aero muttered to himself, picking up the entire tray of riblets and taking them to his room to prepare for tomorrow.
"I'll go, but I make no promises about staying..."
"Let's see." Aero said going over a mental checklist in his head. "Got my clothes for tomorrow laid out, packed some snacks, my weapon is waiting in the closet. Am I forgetting something...?" he said tapping his chin. "Ah, right! Can't believe I almost forgot my journal!" He picked up a weathered journal with the cover a dull, faded red. He'd had this thing for years now. Originally, he'd been opposed to the idea, thinking it was girly writing in a diary. But now Aero thought differently. He could vent his frustrations, record interesting events and write down his spear techniques for later reference. Reading it was like watching himself from a neutral perspective and he actually learned from reading his own thoughts.
"Okay, now is that really everything?"
Aero was a very meticulous person, a trait he had unwittingly picked up after having to pick up the slack from his dad who was always seemed to be doing something. He found it annoying at first, but later on, it felt oddly satisfying to check things off and know there wasn't a single thing that might go wrong with his plans. Having finally crossed his T's and dotted his I's, Aero lay down in the dark room. For nearly 20 minutes he lay there trying to sleep before turning over to look outside. The shattered moon of Remnant still hung in the sky, it's crater not visible at this time of the month, allowing the light of the full moon to fill the night.
"It's not fair...why is it I don't have a choice in what I get to do with my own life?"
"I just wish I could live my life in whatever way I wanted. Is that so much to ask?
He sighed and shut his eyes, hoping sleep would finally take him.
And thus, my little misadventure began...