"I will...keep this brief. You have traveled here in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you are finished you plan to devote yourself to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy..."
"...in need of purpose, direction."
'Oh, my bad.'
"You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at the school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."
Ozpin exited the stage while Glynda came up and took his place. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." The shadow people around us started to disperse, at her words.
"I'm a natural blonde you know." Jaune said in a smug voice to Weiss. Who for her part, pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"Knowledge can only take us so far..." Pyrrha repeated. "It's just as much our duty as it is theirs to help us grow."
"I already said the same thing!"
"I think the headmaster's version sounded a little better." she chuckled. "Shall I continue showing you around Beacon? I imagine there's a lot more you need to see."
"Oh yeah, almost forgot, I'm looking forward to this."
As we once more began our tour of the academy, I couldn't help but feel an uneasy pit in my stomach, like there was something very important I had forgotten...
Aero stretched and yawned turning over on the mattress still half asleep. A smile crossed his face and he snuggled into his unusually comfy pillow. 'This is the best sleep I've ever had.' He thought contentedly. 'I rarely ever get to sleep in since my alarm clock...'
His eyes bolted open.
Aero threw off the covers and jumped out of bed.
He looked down to see an empty bag of potato chips under his feet, and it wasn't the only one either. Several similar looking bags littered the ground among other things. It looked like a tornado had hit this place. "What's going on?" Aero's eyes narrowed. Last he remembered, he had fallen asleep in his own room, so why'd he wake up in this one? He ran to the door and quietly opened it, stealthily peeking down the unfamiliar hallway.
"I don't know who brought me here but they're gonna regret that they ever did..."
Aero could hear some faint sounds in the room ahead of him. Tiptoeing quietly, he snuck up to a white sliding door. Steeling himself, he yanked open the door and raised his fists expectantly.
"Hmm?" A blonde-haired teenager could be seen about to pour himself a cup of coffee. He glanced at Aero for a second and then continued pouring. "You're up later than usual." he said raising the mug to his mouth.
"I'll make this easy on you!" Aero growled, jabbing a finger at the teen. "Where am I?"
Cameron stopped before the cup reached his lips and raised a brow. "Home. You forget what this place looks like or something?"
"Nonsense! Who brought me here?"
Cameron sighed. Giving up on his coffee, he gave Aero an odd expression. "Nate, I thought you said you don't drink."
"Ho boy." the teenager shook his head and placed his coffee near Aero. "Looks like you need this way more than I do."
Aero suspiciously watched him leave before glancing at the mug he left. "That guy doesn't SEEM like a bad person...and I don't think a kidnapper would let their guard down like that around a huntsman." Picking up the mug, he gave it a careful sniff before looking at it. In the dark brown liquid, he saw a face that was not his own.
The cup fell to the ground breaking into pieces.
"Nate, what was that?" Cameron called from another room.
"Uh, nothing!" He bent down to pick up the pieces but froze when he saw his reflection in the coffee puddle. Aero hesitated and touched his face seeing the stranger in the puddle do the same. "Nate..." he said quietly.
Picking up the pieces, he quietly pondered what it was that could've put him in this situation before shaking his head. "I don't get it. My semblance isn't body transfer, and I didn't meet anyone unusual last night. Maybe the room of this 'Nate' might hold a clue."
Aero returned to the messy room and grimaced. The more he looked, the worse it seemed to get. A room like this was a veritable nightmare for a neat freak like Aero. "I can't even CONCENTRATE knowing something like this exists..."
He immediately set out on the gruesome task of deep cleaning the room. All the while keeping an eye open for anything that might explain how he got here. An hour and a half passed. "Nothing..." Aero fell on Nate's bed and let out a sigh. He wasn't any closer to finding out what was going on. "Well, at least this place looks nice now."
"Nathaniel?" Cameron asked opening the door. "Are you still..." he stopped, surprised by the drastic change to the room he entered. "What the..."
"Hello?" Aero tilted his head. "Am I still what?"
The other shook himself out of the trance. "Wow...I think I like you better drunk..."
"I'm not drunk, now what is it?"
"Ah right. Why are you still here? I thought you'd have left for work by now."
"Yeah, work. You know, put in the hours, bring home money. That kinda stuff?"
Cameron rolled his eyes. "You won't make it in time if you walk, I'll give you a ride this once. Go get ready." he said shutting the door.
"I have a job?" A curious smile appeared on Aero's face. He'd never had a job before, or even considered the idea. Day in and day out he exercised his body and skills for the sole purpose of being a huntsman. There wasn't any other option available to him because of his father. But now, all that had somehow changed in only a single night. He quickly threw on a clean set of clothes, eager to try this new experience. "Well...I suppose it couldn't HURT to give it a try. I certainly won't learn more about my situation standing around."