Do you trust him?

Nora thought about the whole situation again. And no matter how many times she thinks, the only answer comes for her was that it wasn't.

That day somewhere she was angry because she was disappointed. Somewhere she expected him to trust her. Just the way she used to trust him. And when he didn't, she started blaming him, punishing him. Why? Because she expected more than what she deserves? Or more than he could give to her.

That day she got two chances to meet them and come clean, but she didn't bother to talk to them. She herself ignored them. Not just in the elevator but in the hotel room too. The misunderstanding had to happen.

"So?" Ross breaked her stupor.

"No. I was blind with my anger. Partly I can be blamed for the situation too." She honestly replied.

"And you didn't even apologise." Ross pointed out.

Nora nodded. "No I didn't. But right now I still think that it's right for us to never see each other again."