The Beggining

After my spur of confusion ended, I was ready to ask more questions, so many more. Although I was stopped right there by the old man. He simply said, " I can't help you because the sole fact that you now understand that you have elevated to the status of god has made whatever you think the answer be for your situation in the universe, be the answer, why does green look like it does? If you asked me that and believed it was because trees were green and they decided so, then that would be the sole reason in your universe, so I can no longer answer any questions related to your powers from here. ".

I sat there blank-faced, from what I've gained, if I think it, then it's true, a simple fact of the universe doesn't that seem a bit too overly powered. Although that's when it hit me, the whole thing about being a god is, there is no over the top power, you are the eternal definition of ultimate power and can therefore never go over the thresh hold, so I guess I'm just, the ultimate being, or the second one at least.

So I had to ask, " Does that mean everything I believe can change the universe we're in? ", and the old man laughed, simply laughed. He then said to me as straight as can be but with a sly smile, " Of course not! I made the damn thing, why would you have the power to alter it? Sure I cant kill you but you can't kill me either! Same difference with our universes, if I came to your id just be a ghost, sure I have the power to never die, but it's not like I can interact with anything! ". That's when it hit me, his universe? Does that mean I have my own? Then I realized, of course, I do, I just have to believe I have my own.

So before I set out, I, of course, didn't forget my manners and said to the old man, " Well then, it seems I have work to do, I will be seeing you then. ". The old man smiled at me and waved, while I just closed my eyes and thought of being in my own universe. That's when I opened them back up, to see complete darkness, not a single atom insight. So I set out, I was going to make a new world, who needs the boring science of the past, while I may incorporate some of the base creations like particles and the such, I want more, I was so bored of the mundane life of humans now that I think back on it, why dont I just make something that I enjoy? That's when I began, I set out to make a whole new universe, just out of boredom maybe, maybe out of my immense excitement, but I didn't care, for, either way, I was going to make a universe, who cares the reason why I was too addicted to the idea of playing god than to question my own sense of emotional instability in the face of ultimate power.