After returning to his castle Alex took some rest and went out to walk for a while. On his way he saw Sora, Alicia, Cassy and Sam.
Sam-" Hi Alex, are you going somewhere?"
Alex-" No, I was just taking a walk but now that you have said I think I should buy some potions. Are you all going there too?"
Sora-" Yeah. We will go to see new weapons and then go to buy the potions. If you want you can also come with us."
Sam-" Yeah, it will be nice if you also join us."
Alex nodded and joined them as he didn't know the locations of the shops.
Soon they reached the smith's shop. Lots of weapons and few armours were on display but all of those were of poor quality with low durability. So Alex asked Sam and Sora about it and learned that these quality of armour and weapons were the most available ones. Alex took one weapon and checked it-
LONG SWORD ( Common)
Attack 17
Durability- 30
Then Sora And Sam saw the weapons and armours and after sometime Sam decided to buy a 2hand sword(2hs) named Heavy Blade for 10 silver.
Heavy Blade (Common)
Attack 26
Strength- +4
Dexterity- +2
Durability- 30
Active skill: Heavy Blow- Deals 10% more damage for 10 seconds.
Then they left for the alchemist shop to buy some potions. Alex saw that the potions were also of low quality but he didn't find it strange as most of the people in this world were of low level and as the monsters were also of low level they didn't need stronger items. Thus this world only have low leveled items. Monsters also dropped low level things and low experience. Then Alex and others brought 6 healing potions and 2 mana potions for each of them.
HP Potion 1
Restores 100 HP.
MP Potion
Restores 50 Mana.
Mana potions costs 20 copper coins and HP potions cost 10 copper coins. Alex bought 10 more MP and HP potions for emergency. Then they left the shop and went to a restaurant and ate chicken and noodles.
Sam-" Have you guys heard that a group of people appeared suddenly and they tell that they came from other world?"
Sora-" Yes, I also heard it. It happened yesterday when more than thousands of people appeared in the Garath Town."
Alicia-" I heard some of them are coming here."
Alex was stunned for sometime and then he asked -" Is this true? Where did they appeared first?"
Sam nodded his head and said -" I don't know much ,but they appeared outside Garath town and they are all staying there."
Alex understood that those people were same like him and most probably they were the ones who used to play this game.