John-" Alex,you also got inside the game? Don't worry we will try our best to protect you. Isn't it Sara?"
Marina-"Yes,count me in. We will survive together. "
Sara-" Yes obviously. We are a team remember?. We promised that we will be friends and help each other."
Alex-" Okay, listen to me first. Do you guys know what has happened actually?"
Sara-"Yes. As much as I came to understand it looks like we are trapped inside a new world which is kind of similar to the games. Do I sound crazy?"
Alex-" No it doesn't sounds crazy. First thing is that you all are transported here. And if you guys die here you die for real. Its not like game. If you get injured somewhere important like head then no matter bow large HP you have you guys will die."
Alex paused for some time and continued-" You guys can use inventory and those things but can't buy anything from in-game-shop like before. You guys need to buy things from NPCs with money."
Sara,John and Marina all of them were stunned for sometime and they gradually shook their head and said-"We really forgot that you were best when it comes to things like this. Although you are new to the game but you already found these things."
Alex smiled and told them that he will be leaving this place and go to a town and they should also go with him. After discussing among themselves they decided to follow Alex and made him the party leader. After sometime they left for Zeon town with Alex. After few hours they reached the town and then after reaching there they were all surprised. Sara-" We have played this game from the beginning but still this is the first time seeing or hearing about this town."
John-" Whatever, the good thing is that the currency is still same. Otherwise we may have died out of hunger. Lets go in and talk while we eat."
Everyone ageed. Then they went inside the restaurant and ordered some chicken and some lemonade.