Lord Ashwon-" Although things may not look favourable but I can assure you that my army is strong enough to take down 300,000 soldiers. We will move to battlefield after 3 days."
Sara-" Okay, then."
Then they nodded and went to the training ground as they were requested to help train the soldiers for next 3 days and John, Sara and Marina accepted it except Alex. So Alex went to his room and called Rylis the one who was managing his Zeon town.
[Rylis is Alex's trusted assistant as well as a demon lord.]
Rylis-" Master, how are you?"
Alex-" I'm fine. What about town? How many soldiers do we have right now?"
Rylis-" Master we have a total of 340,000 soldiers including our new ones. Recently a neighboring independent lord attacked us and we defeated and killed him and took his territory and his soldiers also."
Alex-" That's a good thing. I'm happy that you agreed to manage this town."
Rylis-" Thank you Master for your praise. I just did what I should . Master the Demon knight armours and the things you ordered are ready."
Alex-" I may need you in a battle. Form the Demon Legion and teach the members one of our AoE skills which doesn't harms the allies."
Demon knight armours are black colored armours which are made up of strongest metal. It can easily withstand any attack below tier 3. And they had many other functions and the best part is that they are bound to user and they can be activated and deactivated according to users will. After wearing the armours, a sign appears in their hand and by using that sign the armour can be activated. And the members of Demon Legion have to make 3 promises-
1. They can't think or do anything to harm their master.
2. They can't tell any information to outsiders.
3. Can't disobey masters orders.
If they agrees this they make a blood contact and in return they get to join Demon Legion and they get a strengthening skill- "Rage".