Lord Ashwon kept on looking at Alex and his army with admiration as fought such a huge enemy army without any casualties and their fighting style was also amazing. Lord Ashwon thought that he was very lucky that he didn't made Alex angry and decided to stay on his good side. Lord Ashwon arranged for a party at night. Alex and Lord Ashwon spoke for a long time and Lord Ashwon thanked him many times.
Lord Ashwon-" I'm truly grateful for what you did today to save me and my people."
Alex-" It's nothing much, afterall I also gained a little place. No need to thank you. If you ever need help again tell me."
Lord Ashwon-" If you say so. But I have a request for you. Will you be interested in it?"
Alex-" What is it ? You don't need to hesitate. "
Lord Ashwon-" Its ... umm.. I would like to ask you first that have you married? I mean are you married?"
Alex-" Nope. I didn't marry. Who would want to dig his own grave?" XD
Lord Ashwon began to laugh after hearing this.
Lord Ashwon-" Well said Lord Alex. But actually I want you to do that. You see I have a daughter and I want you to marry her."
Alex-" I'm not sure about it actually. My parents are also not in this world. So deciding something like this all by myself is hard."
Lord Ashwon-" I see. So your parents are not here anymore. When did they passed out? Were they attacked by something or was it illnesses?"
Alex-" No... I mean they are not in this world... wait.. what the hell I'm talking?"
Alex thought-" What the hell I'm talking? There's no way he would understand something like this. I think i will agree with this and he decides to make up a story and tell it to Lord Ashwon.
Lord Ashwon-" Ohh.. I see. Don't worry. You take you time and tell me tomorrow. "
After saying this Lord Ashwon smiled and got up from his chair. Then he bowed and left. Alex thought-" What the hell???!! He gave me only one day to think about something like this??"
Suddenly Lord Ashwon came and said-" Lord Alex please come with me."