Then he selected the map from his Menu option to see the map. He was in Zeon town and in north is Siel town and in the west is the Ashwon town. In the south is the Garath town and in the east is the Great Forest that divides the Great God Empire or Alex's world and this new world. Further north of Siel town is the Kingdom of Light and in the North-East is Roland Empire. In between Roland Empire and Zeon town there is a huge forest named Aras. There were many villages which was built near the Aras forest and in between Zeon town and Great Forest. The Great Forest acted as a barrier that divided the two worlds and stopped people to easily go to Great Demon God Empire/World of Zaroth. In this new world most of the people worshipped Gods and Goddesses of Light and there were few Demons and Demon Lords who fought against these Gods and Goddesses. Alex now wanted to meet and bring these Demon Lords under his control. So he told Rylis to build a Guild with the people who were sent from his Great God Empire. He must speed up things so that Holy Kingdom doesn't get any advantage. Afterall the church of Holy Kingdom from the Alex's world(World of Zaroth) had much more holy powers as their world's level of power setting was different . So they easily became popular in this new world and many rich people, guilds and church came under their control.