Chapter 27

After killing him the soldiers came and moved away the bodies. Soon a man stepped out of the carriage and sayed-" Hello adventurer I am Robin, the Guild Master of Golden knights. I'm very grateful for your help. If you dont mind can you come to the Empire with us? I would like to give you something for saving our lives. Although its nothing compared to the risks you took to save us but I will be happy to give it to you and make a friendship with you."

Alex-" Okay. No problem. I was also going to the Empire. "

Alex then took out few high grade HP potions and fed those to the injured soldiers. The soldiers soon began to recover much faster. Soldiers began to say to themselves-

" Isn't it the highest grade HP potions which costs almost 50 silver coins."

"Isn't he too good ? He used it on some unknown people just to save them. And he used 2 gold coins."

Robin then took him in his carriage where a young boy and a girl was waiting inside. The boy asked Alex with excitement-" You are really very strong. I saw you fighting. What do you do to become this strong?"

Alex-" Nothing special. Just train hard."

The young boy said-" By the way, I'm Harris. Thank you for saving our lives and giving our soldiers your valuable potions. "