After dinner Alex and Lord Evan took their swords and went to their family's training ground. Both of them took their positions and Lord Evan looked at Alex and began to observe him and think where could he attack. As Lord Evan has seen lots of battles he could easily think of the moves Alex will use. As the countdown ended Alex quickly went few steps front and jumped and vanished in the air. Lord Evan was stunned to see this and before he could turn around or think of something, within a second he saw a sword pointed towards his neck from his back. He said-" I lost" and turned around to and saw Alex standing with a smile on his face. Lord Evan felt a cold breeze blowing around him and looked at Alex and thought-
" At first after seeing his smile I thought he is strong,kind and never fought real battles. I looked down on him but now I undsrstood how powerful he is. During the duel he showed the same face expression and gave a similar aura as my dad who fought hundreds of battles. He didn't use the flashy moves and directly used killing move to kill your opponent quickly. Hmmm indeed. He must have fought hundreds of battles and killed thousands in order to gain this killing aura."
Then Alex, Lord Evan and Lishia went to the garden to take a walk and spoke with each other.