Chapter 74

Suddenly they saw few things coming out of the place that was covered by dust. Soon they saw hundreds of wind wind-blades coming towards them but before they could do something the wind-blades cut their hands holding the weapons making them unable to fight. Soon the healers began to use healing magic on them and stopped their bleed , so no one died and they all understood that whatever they were fighting against just gave them his warning by doing this. They all looked down and finally they knelt down and shouted -

" Please forgive us for attacking a Godly being like you. Please let us and our family live. Our family lives here."

Alex looked at them and saw the few wounded soldiers and snapped his fingers and a huge green magic array formed above the city and soon small green lights began to fall from the magic array. As soon the lights touched the people it went inside them and healed all kinds of injuries. Even the soldiers who lost their arm began to healup totally and bone growled on the cut hand and flesh formed on it and a new hand formed. Everyone was surprised and speechless. Suddenly one of the soldiers feel on the ground and shouted- " Please forgive us God. Thank you for showing us kindness and letting us live." And after hearing this everyone began to copy what he did as no one wanted to anger him and thought that if they didn't do this maybe Alex will again attack and kill them. So all of them quickly did this and saw that Alex slowly vanishing from the city. Quickly this incident spread to other cities and towns and many of them did same. They surrendered as soon as Alex appeared and began to worship him. And there were few of those cities that didn't worship him and attacked him but they were soon killed by Alex.