Chapter 93

Next day morning,

Alex woke up early and ready for his tuitions. He and few more students along with his 3 friends used to study there together. He went there on time and the classes began soon.

John- " Hey .. Are you alright? Why didn't you go to college yesterday? Did you went out with your girlfriend?"

Alex- " Yes. I was also thinking of bringing you but I decided not to disturb you and as a good friend who wants good for you, I decided not to invite you and let you concentrate on your college and classes."

John- "..... "

Alex- " So are you going to college today? I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I didn't went to the college. "

John- " Whatever, just don't get cheated by a girl. Yeah we'll be going today. "

Soon the classes was over and they returned home. In the evening Alex went to college. He went to his class and sat beside John. Soon Marina and Sara came and sat infront of them. They spoke with each other for some time.

Sara- " Hey Alex, why didn't you come to college yesterday. ? I even called you a few times. "

Alex- " Well, I wasn't feeling well. I saw that you called me but it was already 9pm. So I didn't call you and texted you. Sorry. "

Sara- " Are you feeling well now?"

Alex- " Yeah, yeah. I'm well now."

Then soon their classes started and they concentrated on it. Alex was writing when someone threw a rubber towards him but before it could hit him Alex sensed it and he acted naturally and intentionally dropped his pen and bent down to pick it up. Thus the rubber missed him and fell on the floor.

Alex picked up his pen and gave a evil smile. Soon the class came to an end and the teacher left the classroom.

As soon as the teacher left everyone began to talk with their friends and the class became noisy again.

John- " Hey Alex remember what I said, ignore them as much as you can. If they cause any trouble then tell me."

Alex nodded and then took out his phone and replied back Serena as she sent him a lot of messages.

Soon the classes came to an end and then they left the college and went back to their home.

Alex returned back to his home and called Serena. He spoke with her while having his dinner and then read few books for sometime.