Chapter 241. Golden dragon movie awards (2)

Chapter 241. Golden dragon movie awards (2)

"Ahh, today's work is finally over."

One of the employees of the PR Team stretched her arms out as she smiled happily. Another day of work was finally over, so she can go home now.

"I'm also tired but I still have to write some press releases for tomorrow."

"Press releases? For what?"

The female employee asked the male employee who has a tired expression on his face. He wanted to go home and rest, but there was still work to do.

"The press releases are for the awards tomorrow."

"You mean the Golden dragon movie awards? Are there any actors from our company that had been nominated in the awards?"

When the female employee said that, the male employee scoffed as he looked at her with an expression of disbelief.

His face was like he was saying 'How can you not even know of it?'.

As the female employee still feigned ignorance, he sighed and said.