Going to king of destruction part 1

" well are you all ready to leave to destruction and get our a-butts kicked by there super hard task they'll probably give"Klover said cutting himself off to change the word he was going to say "Ya daddy I'm ready I did everything you do to mom to princess Xio "David said unknowingly "What! What does you mean 'I did everything you did to mom to princess Xio' what did you do"Klover said worried for his sons innocence "I mmm.... kissed her on her cheeks" David said worried about getting smacked by his dad so he toned his voice down hoping he wouldn't here him "oh that's it...."Klover said "ya"David said still worried " well I thought you did more...but anyway that's it only kissing on the cheek kissing anywhere else is for when your older and married"Klover said "ok daddy"David said not worried anymore but feels weirded out by his dads reaction Klover and David turn towards the carriage and when the noice comes out it's.... Rebecca "hey guys you boys can come on in we have 2 minutes until we leave oh and david" her eyes shift to only David now "come on in I need to talk with you and only you while your dad packs all the stuff in the back and roof of the carriage " Rebecca said while pointing at Klover to go and Klover left packing up the rest of the stuff and putting it all On the roof and back and thought why do I have to do this can't the guards do this hmm then as Rebecca helped david up into the carriage and she closed the door when David got in "so david.....you know I love you right" Rebecca said carringly "yes mommy why what happened" David said worried "I just wanted to know are you sure about this marriage "Rebecca said still worried for her son "yes mommy I know you think I don't know what love is but I love her mommy and I want to do it plus if we marry both the kingdom of lightning and fire and ice will be united and once I'm king it will be called United Kingdom of LFI and we'll be the strongest kingdoms to be united plus we already have daddy's kingdom by our side"David said smartly " that's a great idea but if only your dad was the prince"Rebecca said "he's not the prince anymore" David said worried "well your dad said not until he gets married to me and have a child" Rebecca said "but I'm daddy's son" David said "they don't know that but luckily some magic can prove your his son"Rebecca said " what type of magic "David said "a memory rewrite spell I know it doesn't sound good and it isn't good bu it's the only way to see you as the crown prince "Rebecca said worried but not as worried or as upset as David "there's got to be another way.... there's got to be mommy plus daddy won't agree to this have you even discussed it with daddy I'm pretty sure daddy wouldn't agree"David said looking more upset and sounding a lot more upset " actually I've already asked your dad and he said yes because he doesn't want you to be not included in the heirs because he think it's not fair" Rebecca said happily but worried inside "no.....NO! Dad would never agree to this he would never because he's cool sure but he would never "david said while crying thinking would he "You see that's one thing that's changed when he found out your his son his love for you changed he wants to protect you and make things more safe for you now that he knows that your his son" Rebecca said while smiling and they both turned to the door as it opened and Klover was walking in and sit right next to David smiling but tired "daddy please tell me your not serious "David said "about..."Klover said "making people think I'm there prince even though I am by using memory magic"David said "I already agree and it's final"Klover said as he finished the sentence the carriage starts to move "daddy.... your talking about 1 mill of people that please daddy there's got to be another way"David said as he started to cry more "uh find how about we make a deal"Klover said "ok what is it daddy"David said "ok when we're done gathering ally's and we return and when we talk to the council if they seem to not care and don't believe me about you I'll manipulate there memories but if the citizens believe I won't do it to them but if I do go with that your mothers reputation will have to be ruined well that is if the citizens believe or if the council believes and so do the citizens we won't manipulate there memory is that a deal..." Klover said as he stretches his hands for a hand shake to seal the deal "ok" David said as he stretches his hand but failing to be able to shake his hands as they are to small instead David is having to shake his dad's finger instead and shook it "ok wait isn't the destruction kingdom near ice" klover said "yes why"Rebecca said "mr.driver let's go to the ice instead"Klover said "ok"driver said

~at Ice kingdoms castle~

"General" Klover said "yes m'lord" general said resentfully "I need a meeting with the high council ASAP" Klover said " yes m'lord"general said respectfully "thanks" Klover said " wait for what if I may ask " general said to ask a question "sure it's to ounce my son" Klover said respectfully "ok...wait your s.....so....son didn't miss Rebecca have a miscarriage" general said "to long of a story I'll explain it later" Klover said as general shook his head and left to the counsel

~ 2 hours at the high council and explaining the situation~

"So Rebecca has been hiding this from us we should go to war it is only fair as to hide our second to last future heir" council 3# said "but think about it the council... I mean our kingdom is of peace not war that's not our title" council 2# said "but should we even accept him as our second heir the young prince is in critical condition sure but we shouldn't accept him either who knows maybe after accepting and Klover is made king maybe he'll poison the boy Klover is manipulative" council 1# said " please my loyal subjects please he isn't a fake I promise"Klover said as he is starting to think about the spell and getting his hands ready and to be ready to say the spell besides him is David and when David saw his dads hand he was horrified as he was considering using the spell "please council my daddy is speaking the truth sure a few days ago he was my mother friend and I was clueless not knowing he is my dad and my sister my mom please how about we make a deal please let's vote"David said even more worried than before "ok we should also include the other subjects of the kings get the warden and the others general you'll have your vote to guard get the others immediately " council 3 said knowing Klover most likely has a plan if they don't accept "ok" guard said

~15 minutes later they are all collected~

" today you all have to vote " council said

Voting papers to make prince David the 3rd in line of the throne

(Y) talimon charmer

(N) warden

(N) tailor

(Y)court wizard

(Y) general

(N) stuwert

(N)general civilization associates

(N)council 1

(Y) council 2

(N) council 3

"So it seems the court has ruled with no" council 1 said "what why don't you guys think about it please" council 2 said "NO WHATS FINAL IS FINAL!" Council 3 said "I didn't want to do this but I guess I win in my deal I'm sorry my son but I must"Klover said as David looks a lot more upset and shutters a whisper I hate you "what?" Council 1 2 3 and everyone else said Klover starts to sing the son •make want I want into reality as they wrong us make there memories jumble as what I want them into make it a memory I make and manipulate there memories as there 10 people equaling to 4 chapter in life• as Klover said the last verse he steps back and sets the spell on all of them a blinding light comes out and boom everything's changes " so I see m'lord you and the prince will be lead to your room's"the council said "no need we will be off and that's final"klover said as he leaves the room and goes back and gets David who is overly upset and as he tries to help David into the carriage he pushes his hands away and tries and successfully gets in