A real threat and we believe in you

As Klover is playing with his son Ben when he puts him down he tries to get up as Klover turns around and sees he real quickly gets Amy and David and fallow him and watch cheering him on " come on Ben off you do it I'll let you play with one of my toys come on you can do it" david said "you can do it dear I believe in you come on mommy believe in you"Amy said "daddy believes in you can do it" Klover said as he said it Ben successfully gets up and tries to walk and successfully walk on his first try "yay!"they all said then as promised david let's ben play with all of his toys and after that Amy gives a big kiss on his forehead and Klover hugs and kiss him on his forehead and leaves to the war room as before he was summoned there because of something as he opens the door he can hear them arguing "so what's with you council members there are more council members in numbers now 5 council men what is it" "there has been signs of threats from a relic" "a relic how many do we have? Anyway what type of relic are we talking about" "we have over 500 relics 200 of those can actually do something the rest are just old I'll tell you ranks on relics there is the P rank which is portal relics they can well you guess open portals there's the D rank they are demons there's the c rank that is just magical relics and there's the s rank which is something that need pacific stats for it to work on someone there the relics of the gods as they once belonged to the gods and there's of course the ones that belonged to the evil of the world they don't have a ranking they possess those who have a weak will and transformed them into a strong demonic demon and when demons are near them it increases there strength 2 times and half demons it makes there rage much more empowering and uncontrollable people can make relics but it takes a lot of magic and lives well mostly magic but the threat we are dealing with is P and the demon relic rank I'll explain we sensed a expo to a nearby dungeon the demon relic possessed 1 of our men and is currently holding a P relic this relic is dangerous it literally leads to the gates of hell and once used people will be able to make gates by ingredients that we can't disclose we must retrieve the P relic or all hell will break loose we must first go aft-" the counciller said before getting interrupted by a big boom and a light beam going into the sky "oh no this soon he used it this soon we must find the first formed portal immediately if we don't well let's just say we're all going to hell"