A change of plans and war is hell

As klover was called over by the council "so what did you guys call me for" "it's about the war" "really we klover said hesitating need to attack first we're are they heading-" "that's the problem they aren't heading anywhere the war was called off and asked for you to come to the castle of destruction to give you some type of gift something you'll find soothing i don't know what they want but they also said that if you don't go he'll make the war happened again but this Time he won't hold back he'll put all his soldiers in" "fine! I'll accept his gift prepare red" klover said angerly "no can do he said no guards and if he sees even a hint of hesitating he'll kill you" "bastard fine prepare the carriage or am I going to have to walk a 2 week journey...wait will I have to walk!" Klover said "no the carriage is ok but be careful he's a tricky book to read" "ok" klover said as he started to head off but before that David came out hugging him saying "be careful " "I know my little dolly be nice to your step mother and take care of your brother and help Alex as he is the valet and I care for everyone in my kingdom oh and today you can take Ben to alex so they can have a play date hopefully CJ won't play hard and now I shall go say bye to the other i love you" klover said going to David's height and kissing his forehead and hugging him tightly as he gets up he goes to Ben and Amy and he says his farewell and kisses Ben on the forehead and tries to kiss amy on the lip but she signaled no as things were still to awkward and plus kissing is a sign of I probably won't come back so she wants him to come back as he gets inside the carriage a tiny short arm can at his back it was Ben "don't go papa" Ben said with the cutest lisp "OMFG! Did you just talk and people said you'll have hard time talking like you'll stammer when you grow older but no that's not you probably I should go tell your mom....AMY!" Klover said while yelling in a good way "WHAT DONT YELL AT ME!" "Thats not that point come come over here ben just talked" "what..hon I think your brain is getting jumbled up by the fall the doctor said he'll be able to talk when he's like 5 or 4" Amy said in disbelief "I'm serious come over here I'll ask him again" "fine" "he buddy my little guy Ben can you say what you said to papa to your mom" klover said "...." "see he's not talking" "please a few more minutes" "fine" "if you talk buddy i promise I swear to the god of li-nope I swear I will come back and I will read you a whole ton of your favorite books so please talk" klover said beggingly "you pro...pro..promise papa" Ben said with a lisp and a stammer "see I told you and of course I will come over here for speaking" klover said while Ben started walking to klover and klover hugged and kissed him "hey Bunny can you talk to me to I promise more than him" "..." Ben Starr's shaking his head no and smiling "what why" Amy said "oh I think little Ben loves me more " "hmph how about you take Ben with you I know you'll probably say no but when you were in the er Ben really had it even rougher than David he cried for a long time and he didn't eat for several days and I could tell he missed you and your story's and once you forgot him even though it was short he was depressed of all his joy and playful ness even more he stopped playing and now that he sees your back and your leaving already he'll miss you and plus don't you remember that day when you told him stop playing in your private study" "ya of course I told him to stopped and he listened and i never expected him to actually stop" "ya he never stops that's always his favorite place to play and read books specially when your there but ever since you gotten back to health he's been Obedient" "ya you know what today buddy I'm going to take you with me but you have to be very silent I mean you don't have to listen it's up to you and when we get to our location it's probably safer if you stayed besides me and as I have to do political things but if the political people allow it I want you to stay in a room and play with some toys and look body I want you to do me a big favor and be your original happy cutesy playful boy and not really caring or I'll really miss the old you I don't like it when your really obedient I like it when I really need it but in my study's you're allowed to do anything don't always do what I ask always ask for a reason but of course not all the time how about we make a code word for when I want you to be obedient ok what's your favorite bug" klover said and ben looking at him while smiling " favorite bug is firefly"ben said with a lisp " a firefly ok so whenever I include firefly in a sentence you have to follow what I say ok" klover said while picking up ben "ok papa" Ben said while holding tightly to his dad and trying to sleep "here that's all of bens clothes and favorite foods and toys they'll last up until you get there as it will take 3 days but I don't want my baby looking like a tooth pick and since it's political I also put in some nice clothes" Amy said giving the food and clothes to klover