A long blizzard part 2

As Ben and Ryder were dress and the orphan boy was dressed to klover called Mallory and the driver and they cam back in "so how should this work the carriage is a 5 by 5 and there's only 4 seats that are comfortable then there's the floor"drive said as he was about to go on the seat but klover signaled him not to "hey klover i got an idea there big enough to fit at least 2 people so since Ben does have nightmares you have him next to you then Ryder you I'm pretty sure can fit with them as your a little short and skinny so you go next to Ben then the orphans you two sleep on the same seat and driver and me will uh... sleep in the same location" Mallory said as Ben mistunderstand her as thinking she called him fat "did you call me fat!" Ben said angrily with a lisp "well it would be a lie if I said no but you not that fat your just a chubby kid" Mallory said as Ben looks even more angry then before until mallory pokes his stomach and pokes his ribs "stop that tickles" Ben said laughing with a lisp "ok" Mallory said as everyone started to separate and lay down but Ryder and Ben weren't fitting as Ryder was about to fall ben quickly catches him by some loose clothes and when he pulls him up he quickly gets up and puts Ryder next to klover and Ben lays at the spot Ryder was and Ryder was surprised in why he did this so he asked "Ben why did you do that for me even though you barely know me?" Ryder said "because your my little brother and I heard a lot from stories that dad tells me that big brothers are supposed to be nice to little brother and I got to take care of you and make sure you aren't hurt or won't be hurt" Ben said with lisp "but still you don't know me" as Ryder says that Ben turns around hugs him "your still my little brother" Ben said with a lisp and hugging his brother tightly and as that happen they both fell asleep hugging each other


As klover wakes up to a sweet smell of cinnamon flavored meat then he's that Ben and Ryder switched and hugged each other to sleep "aw cute" klover said kissing them on the forehead then he sees Mallory has finished some food "Mallory can I have some I'm super hungry "sure here I'll save the rest for the kids " as klover took it and saw the driver eating outside "don't you think there cute look at how there sleeping" klover points at Ben and Ryder and the orphans "ya it reminds me of when me you and Alexander were kids before you guys hated each other" Mallory said touching Ben and the other kids face "I don't hate him he hates me for what we did as a children you know I kinda understand his anger and hated for me after all we did k-" klover said as Mallory puts her finger over her mouth as she saw the kids waking up "dad I'm hungry" ben said with a lisp and a bit tired but not wondering what his dad and auntie Mallory " I know sweetheart here try this" Mallory said as Ben opened his mouth as Mallory puts the cinnamon flavored meat in his mouth as he finished it he smiled and started to talk "it was good auntie Mallory" Ben said with a big happy smile "so besides that do you need anything else" mallory said while slowly going for a hug " I really got to go to the bathroom" Ben said with a lisp "ok I'll take you to the forest just let me get your brother" klover said as he picked up Ryder making sure not to wake him up and carried him like a baby "even though I literally only known him since 1 day ago he's a adorable sleeper" klover said as he touches Ryder face and stop as soon as Ryder started to Squinting in his sleep and knocks klover's hand off as klover picks up Ben with his other hand but by wrapping his arms around his waist and leaving the carriage and taking them both to the forest and setting Ben on his legs "don't go to far ok go do your Business" klover said "ok dad" Ben said with lisp and goes running to the nearest tree looking back to make sure his dad doesn't leave him because when Ben was in a coma he felt like he was being abandoned by his dad so ever since he had abandonment issues and now back at the zone when Ben finally secured that his dad is staying he lifted down his pants and used the bathroom and when he was done he pulled his pants up and quickly ran to his dad hugging his leg and started to cry "hmm what's wrong why are you crying did you get bit by something" klover said but Ben shakes his head and said "I thought that you would leave me daddy if I didn't walk over faster" Ben said with a lisp "I would never wait did you rush while using the bathroom do you have still have to go" klover said then Ben noded "if it helps I will wait next to you so you can go to the bathroom and so you don't have to worry about me abandoning you and what crazy idea gave you that I would abandon yo.....oh...well you don't have to worry because I'm staying forever" klover said while realizing why he was worried "ok and really" Ben said with a lisp and while walking towards the same tree "yup if you have to well you know just use the leafs ok just watch out for shiny leafs and 3 leafs next to each other because that might be poison Ivy and I don't want your mom to lecture me and don't hold anything in just take as long as you have to" klover said as he looked away as Ben was pulling down his pants and about to go and klover was looking at the surrounding making sure there were no perverts or bandits or Wolfe's then 20 minutes later ben pulled his pants up and said "done papa" Ben said with a lisp and feeling better "ok let's go let's maybe walk over here" klover said as he walked ben over and bended down telling ben to get on his back as he doesn't want ben to get sick and Ben hopped on holding tightly and they walked but Ryder started to wake up "dad...mmm...where are we why are we in a forest" Ryder said "because your brother had to go to the bathroom and I was hoping you would wake up so you could go to the bathroom to" klover said as he started to stop then turned back but Ryder said "no i don't have to go let's go back to the carriage...zzz" ryder said as he went to sleep then klover went back to the carriage and saw that the carriage was fixed and they were ready to go and so klover opened the door and was about to tell Ben to get off until he saw him sleeping and he tried to put Ryder down but ryders sleeping toddler body wouldn't allow that "this is going to hurt"klover said as he saw the orphans ate there food and went back to sleep and the driver moving the carriage and Mallory whistled a song