A room for a prince

As the day is there's klover talking to Alex about Ryder "so since Ryder is my mom and your son your technically my step dad?" "Ya it got me confused especially the magic part because they used a potion to age him to age 1 but he's really talkative for a 1 year old so they must have infused another potion maybe 1% smart potion so he can talk early" "how do you even get 1% of a potion" " I don't know even the smallest drop can be well over 5 percent " " dang well at least little brother has someone to play with besides Ben " "ya true now he has Ryder ok if you can you watch ben and Ryder for a while" klover said "ok" Alex said as klover nods a thank you and leaves to go see ace as he hasn't see him since the party and when he woke up as he walks it takes several hours to find a 2 year old boy until klover finds him in his study "hey big brother I can tell you want to talk about something" "how would you feel if you had the chance to be the age your supposed to be" " I would be happy why do you have a potion or spell" "yes I found it a long time ago " "ok then let's do it" ace said as he was happy to see his brother happy and excited again so he quickly drew the ritual and starts to chant untranslated chant as that happen a big beam of light happen and there he was 6 year old ace" "brother it worked I'm my own age yes yes yes!" Ace said excitedly "I'm happy to see you happy little brother sorry I didn't see you in a while " klover said apologetically "it's ok big bro I understand zack actually told me where you also had to go you had to get a gift from Alexander what was it" "the gift was actually a who" " but I thought dad handled slavery " "it's not slavery he handed me a child my son from KC " as klover said then ace looked surprised "your child what's his name" "Ryder he's aged 1 and can talk because of a potion well anyway I'm here because I'm looking for a room for him but I might do what someone told me to do I might put him with Ben or in my and Amy's room or I might move rooms and have him in my new room ace I'm going to ask your opinion do you have any" klover said "move rooms and put him in your room as Amy must feel awkward of our current situation and maybe keep him away from the kingdoms knowing until your sure your his father" ace said "that's the thing Alexander isn't a lier he's always telling the truth plus he knows that this is a 2 sided coin and a 50 percent chance of the kingdom accepting him and not ruining my reputation and his to but if they don't accept both our reputation will be demolished" klover said "your right Alexander isn't a lier sorry" "it's ok let me go get Ryder and I'll just go get dads old old room and clean it and go back and get Ryder right now he's sleeping on the chair in my study room ok so I'll see you" klover said while waving and ace waving back "sorry brother but I got to do what I think is best for you" ace said whispering as klover walks towards his dads room he looks at it and it's all dusty and has cobwebs and it took him 1 hour to clean until a butler told him that Ryder has woken up and klover told the butler to clean the rest and as klover left he saw Ryder started to eat some soup and klover sat next to Ryder and in between Ben "daddy" Ben said with a lisp surprised "dad"Ryder said "hey Ryder and Ben" klover said as a butler delivered his flavored Vanilla chicken mixed with cinnamon and rice "ah the nice spell of cinnamon and vanilla so how do you like your food you David while on the road me Ryder and Ben has ate a lot of cinnamon flavored meat and my taste buds like it too much to give it up now" klover said "it's pretty good dad but little brother and Ryder had switched there's out because of the cinnamon" David said as Ryder looked surprised as he wasn't called little brother like Ben and Ryder felt a little a little excluded and he Clenched his small fists until he bled and when klover noticed his blood already went into Ryder's food and klover took his hand and said " Ryder are you ok because your bleeding let me see your hand"klover said as Ryder looked surprised as he thought klover was evil like Alexander as Alexander only saw Ryder as a tool so he gave him his hands "this is not bad at all let me see" klover said as he healed ryders hand and everyone looked at him as his cut was healed with a bright light then David got up and slammed his hand on the table and left angrily so klover didn't follow he signaled Amy to as he only stopped the bleeding and he Willy need a bandage and some other things as Amy stood she gave klover what he needed and left as klover fixed up ryders hand as he lifted up his sleeve he noticed a small cut and a small iron nail and look to not have been properly heeled or tooken care of "what happened here is this why you can't move your hand and when you do it hurts " klover said pointing at the iron nail "it happened when i was in the castle I fell and a iron nail that broke off had punctured my arm they didn't remove it for some reason.but it still hurts" ryder said crying a little bit "i know I'm not a doctor but I'm going to try and pull it out ok" klover said "ok dad" ryder said bravely as trying to impress his dad so he can show that he's strong to "ok in 3.....2.....1.. NOW!"klover said as Ben quickly walked over to help out and held Ryder down so he wouldn't squirm and get even more hurt so as klover said he put his hand on the side of his arm and pushed down on the flesh and when the head of the nail somewhat popped out ryders had tried not to scream as klover touched the nails head he quickly told Ryder something "it's not cowardly to cry it's healthy alright so if you want to cry cry just the thing you need to worry about is moving so try your best at not moving" as klover said "ok dad" ryder said finally releasing all his tears in a flow of pain and as he cried klover tried to pull out the nail but soon ryders cry's go into screams then as klover pulls blood squirts out and as the nail is almost out more blood flows out and then at last the nail exits and more blood then bore flows out "now this may or may not hurt more then before" as klover said he quickly says a chant and puts his hand over the wound and it burns then Ryder scream louder and everyone inside was either confused or worried but as David heard he was neither confused or worried and so was amy as they hate Ryder as Ryder continues to cry klover quickly puts a bandage then asks Ryder "are you ok" "ya I just need to sleep I'll just sleep here" ryder said "no you are sleeping in our room" "our room?" Ryder said confused "yup me and you have our own rooms and if Ben wants he can come" "really dad i can I want to come" "ok let's go" klover said as all of them head to klover and ryders new room and as also Ryder is carried by klover and so I Ben is on klovers back while Ryder is on klovers arms like a baby the when klover opens the door he looks at the clean room and puts the sleeping Ryder on the bed and puts Ben next to him and klover sleeps next to them