Deciding an old enemy’s fate and reclaiming plan

As the day begins klover wakes up to a lovely smell of Christmas food before Christmas to and as he woke up he saw that Ryder was still there and so was ben and David they had all slept on the bed but klover noticed David was clamped between Ryder and Ben so he quickly tried to move Ryder and Ben a bit so David could have room and klover realized it was still night and how cold it was in the room so he put covers over Ben David and Ryder and lit the fire place as klover was about to leave the room and close the door he noticed that Ben and Ryder woke up a bit and both of them hugged David and went back to sleep and As klover didn't want to leave the door open any longer he quickly left and closed the door as klover took a candle and a chamberstick and lit it with magic as he walked across a dark hallway he found the source of the smell it was two guards talking and drinking a cinnamon flavored brandy as he was walking towards the guards they noticed him and closed the drink "sorry king klover wont happen again " " it's ok I don't care about that I just wanted to ask what are you guys talking about" klover said as the guard smiled and pulled his drink back out offering some to klover and he took some and gave it back "we were talking about the old general the one who killed the king" "oh ya general hatch" "ya we found out todays his execution day and who's doing it" the guard said happily as to finally get revenge for the kings death as he's been working for the kingdom for 100 years "who's doing it" "oh we thought you knew your doing the execution and with a weapon of your choice " the guard said awkwardly "oh I didn't know so if I'm doing it then I'll use a bow 100 arrows most in none vital areas then the last in his head" " yes my lord that's how you do it"


The day of the execution "today we shall get our revenge for the king prince and others as the traitor Hatcher lays in waiting for klover to shoot a arrow " the announcer said "your all fools to accept that bastard as a king and the king was a bigger fool adopting him as his son you are all traitors of the intoned race line " Hatcher said as klover went up and picked a type of bow either a hunting bow a long bow or a magic bow klover chooses a magic bow "oh looks here king klover chose a magic bow if y'all peoples don't know what a magic bow is it basically uses the users either magic or life span if it's a magic user it's magic if it's a regular there life span well what it does it conjures magic arrows that each are elements like water ice fire rock and iron light and dark and explosion oh and healing " as the announcer finishes klover conjures multiple fire arrows and shoots everywhere and blood came out as it punctured him then fire aroused and burned him and Hatcher screams and as that happens klover quickly switches his bow for a long bow he aims then he shoots at hatchers heart throat and forehead each burning when hitting Hatcher then klover kept the elemental bow and left "now Hatcher is a burn turkey how sad" the announcer said but klover stepped on something he picked it up and it was a littler for him multiple so klover quickly left and went to his room and saw that they were still on his bed so he left to his studies and put the letters on the table when he was considering burning it he saw one that fetched his eye it said "the reason behind the king and princes murder" it was really a few paged book so klover opened it and read it it said "log date 1549 meant a wonderful gal named Mary he looked so adorable and while I'm just a bar attendant she was a prostitute I fell in love with her she was the most beautiful woman I could ever see and as I approached I asked if we could hang out she said yes log date ended log 1549 10 we've been hanging out a lot and it happened a had sex with her and for the first time I liked her I found out yesterday she was pregnant i was happy i invited her into my house and we've live together log date ended log date 1550 it was a boy we decided to call him oak as that was the tree we both loved the most log date ended log date 1554 I know it's been a long time but everything went to hell the king had demanded my wife and my son to kingdom he said that he was his father as prior to before we meet he slept with her I couldn't do anything but the king did something he said I could be his general so that I could see him everyday but he said that he should never know and that today he will have a new name I disagreed of course but what more I could do he changed his name to klover he changed my sons name to klover that bastard I'll get him for this he my son I'll do what ever it takes and if your reading this klover your names not klover its oak and I love you so much if I hurt you in the future I'm so sorry but everything I do it to protect you" as klover read he cried and as he kept on looking for more pages they were all ripped out so klover looked and looked he couldn't find even a hint in why then did the black dragon call him his son 2 years ago then a letter came out of a book he had picked up and he opened it and it read " log date 1564 the dragon I realized that I saw in my dreams they were telling me something that klover is also astral mental related to a black dragon and that same black dragon i met in a astral realm and we made a deal I must kill King Arthur and make klover hate me for him to be free i love my son so I shall set him free remember klover if your reading this that mes I'm probably dead from all your hatred if I said any mean things about you when i was at my execution site I'm sorry and I love you" as klover read he couldn't read the rest as it was stained in tears then klover started to cry then a big boom happened but klover didn't noticed the change of scenery until a arm touched his should and as he turned around it was King Arthur then klover got up and slapped his hand off and Arthur frowned "my boy why would you do that" "your a lier and a hypocrite and kidnapper " "oh what do you mean" "read this " klover said as he passed the letter and he read it and looked surprised "klo-" "don't call me that you twisted my original name oak into klover" " because I loved you" " oh so I abuse love I just want my real dad NOW" klover said angrily as Hatcher shows "so I'm guessing you got the letter I was hoping you would not kill me" "so is it true your my dad" "yes it's all true" Hatcher said as he was about to give klover a hug but instead was welcomed by a smack "ow! What was that for" "that's for abandoning and this is for not telling me and this is for letting all the abuse happen and this is for your abuse" klover said he smacked Hatcher so much that his cheeks bleeding and klover was crying " I deserve all of those look I'm sorry for putting this on you" Hatcher said as he hugged and kissed klover on the forehead but klover was sorta weird out "you know what I'm going to try and bring you back " "wait what" " ya I found out that I can bring people back to life all i need is a lot of magic" "are you sure" "yes and this time you won't be a general you'll be a counciller " "thank you" Hatcher said smiling as klover watched it all disappear