Note to destruction meeting destruction part 1

As klover is asleep next to ryder klover wakes up when ryder moves in his sleep and accidentally kicked his dads parts then klover woke up in pain from the kick "ouch!" klover said as he picks up Ryder and ryder was still asleep and klover walks to the war room as he walked in everyone was surprised as the room was not meant for children " what is ryder doing here" " calm down he's asleep don't you see" klover said as he pointed to ryders eyes "now what do you want to talk about and quiet" klover said as Ryder is shifting in his sleep "I think it's time that we get the princess back we've been waiting long enough so we need to make a letter and send it" counciller said as Ryder was shifting then started to talk in his sleep "sister dad and mom please don't make me choose I love you all" ryder said in his sleep "ok we send the letter make it say something anything just don't make the letter sound aggressive " " yes my lord" he said as he started to wright a long letter and when he was finished he sent it


2 week has pasted and until the letter there's been no word until Alexander shows up barging into klover's room while Ryder was sleeping then when the big bag went on klover woke up and saw destruction "Alexander you should know I sleep during these time and so does ryder " "ya ya I don't care this is about the girl how do you know she was alive" Alexander said angrily "who said I knew about my daughter being alive" "shit!" Alexander said but klover shushed him pointing to klover "uh I have the girl I'll send her and her name is Tristan come over here tristan" "what is it dad" Tristan said as klover looked disappointed then he saw a girl with a cheery smile and klover thought 'I can't do this I'm not like him' "you know what keep her since she's attached " klover said as the almost 5 year old looked at Ryder "little brother? What is he doing here" "you remember how I told you of him you and about how you both got different dads" "ya dad why are you asking" "well this is your brothers dad king klover of ice also known as the strongest and the kind and the ruler of 3 " "why the ruler of 3 " "he rules ice fire and wind and soon it will probably be the ruler of 4 as one of his son is betrothed to the lightning princess" "oh well mister you better be nice to my brother even if he's your son and mister can you wake him up because our moms here" "wait your mom there here! Oh crap quickly get her into the room now guards " klover said yelling as the guard left "why are you yelling mister klover" "my fiancée might literally kill her for what she done before" " oh so Your saying you hate my brother for what happened in the past" "no I never said I hate her it's my fiancée that hates her my wife's horns will go so far up this girls butt if she see her" "horns?" They both said " ya didn't you tell her that each kingdom is made of different races she basically is a human that has horns our race on the other hand gives us a chance to have magic " klover said as he heard the door open and there she was kc but this time she didn't sport the same clothes from before as she had a black dress also sporting black glass heels and on her arm it's a bracelet that looked to be made by a good crafter and she also had a metal necklace that was a pe fit with probably pictures so ryder couldn't miss his mother he quickly woke him up "daddy what is it I'm tired " ryder said tiredly "look" klover said pointing and Ryder turned around and there she was his mother he quickly ran into her lap and put her head next to her stomach and he slowly noticed his big sister and Alexander and waved then KC asked him something that was untranslatable and he also said something untranslatable and waved yes then KC unzipped her dress and removed part of her bra she allowed Ryder to suck on her nipple and klover had a face of what are you doing "what doesn't your fiancée breast feed Ben and don't look so weird out as he's only 1 and legally In this kingdom you have to stop between ages 5 or 6 and he's not that age " "sorry for staring and no she doesn't do this ben drinks milk from a cup not from a boob" "oh didn't any of your kids has been breast fed " "no" "ok how about this I'll off you some free breast milk if you let me see my son twice a week " "well no for the breast but you can see him twice" "ok but your boring" as kc said as Ryder finished with breast feeding and he hugs her and goes to klover and sits on his lap laying down and kc puts everything back on and walks towards Ryder and hums a tune until he falls asleep On Klovers lap