Marriage day

As klover wakes up he realizes that he's in if's bed with Ryder and that today is there wedding day so klover quickly goes to the location and see if everything is ok and it all was ok it is the wedding colors and a second color that was recently added and he liked it was dark blue dark red and vibrant colors and shades of black and the colors were lush of colors like black green blue and red and white and the catering area was of black red and white and blue and each stove had a different kingdom cater and some of them were famous klover looked everywhere to make sure everything is just right it was but one thing wasn't the arche was just blue and white so klover quickly made it a color of blue white black and red the red is to remember Rebecca as today is not only her birthday it was the day she died he had used magic to change it then last minute he visited Thomas and Davis and told them to come over klover was happy to see that tho is and Davis were much fatter now and so he hugged them both but before he left he invited the entire orphanage to come they were all so cheery and happy so klover invite a lot of people like Mallory and of course red and then when it came close to the wedding time he quickly went to the castle and woke everyone up then he told of them to get ready klover had to make some last day suit redesigning and now it sported both red blue white and black so as all the guesses sat down they were surprised at the color then back at klover he was still putting on his shoes then when he finished while he was walking he saw guards messing with the orphanages "so your saying the king took his time and invited you losers" "yes" the leader said "ha and who told you this" the guard said as everyone cleared and the guards looked at Davis "look kid you can't be making up lies it's not good " "but it is the truth klover saved me and he invited me" "his name is king klover you brat" as the guard said then klover walked and tapped on the guards shoulder "what's happening " "nothing it's just a small issue there saying you invited them personally And this one happen to exclude king from your name this one will get a beating from us and then we'll get them to leave" the guard said stupidly and klover was disappointed "well I did invite so let them in" "oh" "and the story he was telling the truth if he happened to tell you I did save his life so he's invited and who told you can beat a kid they can call me klover" "sorry sir won't happen again" the guard said as he let's them pass and as Davis and Thomas see him they immediately run up and jump and hug klover "uncle klover thank you" Thomas said "ya thanks" Davis said and as they go quickly to take there seats it happened so quick no one can realize how they were beautiful the royal family and how true they were and like that they were married then everyone went to the part and as Davis got up he went close to the bathroom and quickly used it then two boys the same age as him showed up "wow davis I can't believe you weren't lying" the leader said as he kicks Davis Repeatedly then as they heard foot steps they ran it was klover he quickly ran to Davis "are you ok " "yes uncle" "stop lying you know what how about this you live with us in the royal castle " "but...if I do then I'll be living in without having to pay" "ok then be a babysitter with my son ryder it's going to be hard as he's only 1 " "ok" "thanks we also need to make announcement" klover said as he ran to the stage telling everyone that he has an announcement "there is a new prince his name is prince Ryder he's 1 " klover said as there was people talking silently "wait will he have a claim to the throne as I'm guessing he was born under wedlock" "yes he is my son and like all of my son he will have a claim to the throne "klover said as everyone was happy "I would love to also tell you well mostly the orphanage that three of your boys are bullies " "really who" the leader said as he points to each boy " and I will also be announcing one more thing I will be adopting Thomas and Davis" as klover said everyone was surprised "I will be raising them not only as family but also as guards for Ryder when he's older alright that was the last of it good bye