The alpha werewolf to the river tribe and a little to touchy and a relic demon attacks and a death portal

As Klover wakes up he sees that like always ryder is asleep but as klover gets more curious he touches ryders ears and tail but the door opens and Kc sees what's he doing and everything gets awkward "why...are you touching his ears and tail"kc said as Ryder blush's in his sleep "um...uh...I just wanted to feel them" klover said awkwardly "you do know what that means for werewolf's right" "yes...oh is it the same thing for your people" "yes...yes it is" kc said as klover quickly took his hands off "ok can we not speak about this" "ok...I'm just going to step out and close the door and come back in" kc said as she did just that "ok so what I have to tell you..the alpha were wolf tribe of the river is here" kc said awkwardly "ok can you stay with him and I'll just go see what he wants " "sure" kc said as klover leaves and shuts the door and runs to were the alpha werewolf is "so old friend Klaus what brings you to here" "you remember a long time ago how I owed you" "yes because you made me sleep with your sister in the same bed " klover said awkwardly "well I need another favor" "what is it Klaus" "you know the river tribe war yes" "of course do it's one of the reason why I'm getting so many refugees here" "ya we'll what ya would you say if I need to stay here until I find us all a new home" "ok but you'll need to do jobs for me " "oh thank you friend" "your welcome and you can stay in the refuge district " "thanks a tone friend klover " Klaus said as she leaves and told the others they were all so cheery about the good news for once then klover got interrupted by a guard and the guard whispered in his ear and klover looked somewhat upset and angered then klover ran to a carriage and told him to go in the direction of fort rain then the carriage moved klover thought of what the guard said "the demon it attacked fort rain" klover thought until he felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach then the carriage driver said "were here" then klover left and saw that he wasn't wrong everything was destroyed there were body's everywhere klover wanted to make sure someone's alive then as he looked up he noticed it in the stone that was usually the color was rain was obsidian black then he saw it a red portal leading to god knows where klover quickly sent back the drive to give the message it took up to a hours of waiting near hundreds of dead bodies then they showed up Zack and the other council then klover quickly told him and pointed at the portal "do we know where the portal goes to"zack said as a servant to the history keeper runs up and looked at it horrified "this can't be the history keepers have all the Knowledge of the magic and kingdom something that isn't recorded must be recorded because usually portals have a color that usually we know but this one is black and purple portal that relic released new portal types usually it's easy to tell by the color let me fill you in and I won't take no for a answer" "oh" klover said "there's blue which is a alternate planets of our own there's purple which means hell black means forest so it's probably both somehow" "who cares king klover you should go we'll deal with this go to your kids " "ok thanks" klover said as he left and went to quickly visit Thomas and Davis at the orphanage as they are still getting ready to leave then he left to the castle and saw red Amy and kc at the table looking at him "soooooo... honey what happened" "what do you mean" "I've told Amy and red what happened" "so honey you touched his ears and tail" Amy said worried "look I didn't know it was sexual " "well it's sexual for races like werewolf's cat people and horned people from our kingdom " "well I'm sorry ok" "it's ok just don't do it next time" "look I'm sorry ok how is ryder" "well he had a nightmare" "what really how his he what was it" "well as strange as it might be I think he's generally clueless about touching his ears and tail but he said it made his nightmare into a dream the nightmare was about you leaving and before leaving saying you hate him but after touching his ears and tail you somehow came back and hug him and said I'm sorry but poor boy maybe if he has a nightmare try doing that again just don't tell him what it means and stop when he's a lot older but for right now you need to go see him as he was worried today you actually left and he started crying " " ok" as klover said he kissed both of them and left to ryders and his room and before he opened the door he hears him crying and talking "daddy please don't leave I'll be a good boy I promise please come back daddy" ryder said as he started to cry even harder until klover opened the door slowly and quietly jumped and hugged Ryder then Ryder after being surprised stopped crying and turned to see who was hugging him and as he saw the face he was happy "daddy you came back" ryder said as he wiped the tears away "oh my boy why wouldn't I come back " klover said worried but he didn't show it "because of how bad I've been I thought you hated me " ryder said as he started to cry again then klover quickly hugged him and tried to cheer him up "so how about we do something together what do you want to play "klover said trying to cheer him up "can..can..can we play with our powers on the roof with Ben" " I don't know about playing with Ben with the powers as he may get hurt " "no he won't daddy I trained and I can control it" "ok then let's go" klover said as he doesn't realize the tiny feet under the bed then when he crawls out he realized Ben was under the bed both Ryder and klover was surprised has he also has no clothes on "how did you get here ben i didn't notice you and why are you naked here try on my shit it may be a bit to big but just try it on " klover said as he took the shirt and gave it to Ben and even Ben was just as surprised "dad I don't know how I got here daddy" Ben said with a lisp " what are you lying" "no dad I was in my room and I wanted to come over and I imagined your room and for some reason poor I'm here" "what really can you do the same thing right now" "ok dad" Ben said with a lisp as he tries to concentrate like he did before then poof he teleported and disappeared like Fire distinguishing he teleported to the other side of the room and still the clothes came off so klover quickly picked them up and put it on him "so you may have fire powers so I'm guessing you heard do you want to come play slash training with us" "yes daddy I want to use my powers let's go" Ben said as he hugged his dad and Ryder came to hug to and klover hugged them both and picked them up and left