A hungry family and seeing a king and asking about the truth part 1

One week later

As klover wakes up he sees everyone is already awake but there face and body's are so skinny they started to run out of food since last week they had to rationalize there foods and each day the food size be came smaller and smaller and now there out ever since the kids have been getting restless and hungry and now they were so skinny even Ben who's usually chubby is skinny so klover quickly got up and told Casey to stop and when the carriage came to a stop klover left taking his bow and arrows and he went into the forest and waited until he saw 4 fat deer so he quickly aimed his bow at the head but his vision is worsening because of the hunger and luckily he got two deer he tried to aim for the other deer but it only shot the last one in the heart and it died almost instantly but the other got away so klover walked Over to the deer and the other deer who got shot in the heart was still alive so klover put it out of his misery and took all three of the bodies 2 were in his shoulders and the other was being held by the antler it took klover 1 hours to walk to the carriage and when he got there he saw Casey set up a flame to keep them warm when she turned to see klover had food she was happy and so was the other kids "we got enough food to last until we get to the other the closes village and telling by the sign the closes village is Oakland village " "ya thank you for the food" Casey said as she pointed for the kids to go in carriage then when they went inside she quickly skinned the deer and cutter some pieces of its meat then cooked it and when it was done cooking klover took some and gave it to David Ben and Ryder and they ate it so quickly that klover had to give them another piece the klover quickly helped put the deer in the freezing cold chest on back of the carriage then he took his turn with the carriage as Casey went inside the carriage but with a fuss "please honey let me do it again your injured the horse will tug and your wound can get worse" "no don't worry about me be with the kids and tell them story plus you need to replenish your magic" "fine but I won't like it!" Casey said as she entered the carriage then klover quickly sat down and made the horses move then he looked at his skin and saw it was worse then before the small patch of white shiny skin grew to his belly button as he quickly took out his knife he looked back and forth to see if they were looking and ice he was clear he tried to cut the skin off but he bleed although it didn't hurt so he stopped because he saw that his skin was fused with the shiny scales he thought it will tell them when We are at the village ' then klover started to look sad as he remember everyone the day he adopted red to the day he meant Mallory and Amy and zack now there all dead he looked down until he saw something a whole bunch was people it was the fire and wind he saw everyone the pair of kids until the elderly then he saw him the king so klover quickly catches up with them until the king can see him and he was surprised as to see klover "klover your alive!" "Yes I want to ask you a question " "yes anything" "how long have you been a king" "for over 1000 years I was hoping to retire when David turned 18 well anyway why are you asking "king said as klover looked back and forth and saw no one was looking and so he pulled his shirt up and the king saw his white shiny scales "have you seen anything like this " "well you know that your half dragons and so is Rebecca but even Rebecca didn't have this do you know about Hatcher" "you knew" "yes but I couldn't tell you as if I were to it would break the peace treaty" "well what do you know about my brother"as klover said the king covered his mouth like he knew something "please tell me it's important it might tell us how to defeat the figure" klover said as the king uncovered his mouth "you guys were so little a long time ago we thought you wouldn't remember each other" "what do you mean tell me" "ok"