A truth told part 2

As they had been there for two days now klover stood up and everyone was curious on why he stood up except for David then klover took off his shirt and everyone saw a huge patch of shiny pale scale like skin and everyone exempt David was surprised "honey is this why you won't take a show with your son your skin" "y...yes I didn't want to worry you guys but I guess all the things I usually do but now I don't do gets you suspicious and worried " "why didn't you tell us about this sooner dad we could help"Ben said "you can't help look " klover said as he unwrapped the bandages from his arms and legs "you told us you were injured while moving stuff" "i know it was a injuries at first but when they healed it turned into more of these white scales and it got worse see" klover said as he takes off the bandage from his neck and points at the growth "what can't we help" "no no books have a cure for this it's consuming me" "wait CONSUMING its like what you said with the transformation power let the scales consume you" "your right" klover said as he lets it consume him and it grew all the way to his head and he started to transform into a giant white dragon then Ben ryder and David put there hands on his body "dad are you in there"David said "ya dad"ryder said "please daddy please still be in there you are all I have for a family please"Ben said as he starts to cry then when white dragon looked at all three of them he looks at Ben for a long time then realized he is crying so he took out his tongue and looked Ben on the head as he still didn't know how to control his arms and legs then Ben as wet but surprised looked up and as klover realized how to move his finger and arms he moves them and removed the tear from bens eyes then Ben ryder and David smiled Ben smiled much bigger than anyone else "daddy your in there" Ben said as he smiled and wiped his tears then klover shook his head then he did what he always do and turned back into a a hitch form "I learned how to do it and now I'm back " klover said as everyone hugged him " "dad when we're at the bed can you read me a story about

Mama " Ben said "sure"klover swid as he took all his kids by the hand and ran to go do things