A day of celebration and riddled with stones the resurrection or the illusion part 4

As klover walks down to see everyone happy including David who is showing his step mother and brothers what he can do he quickly grabbed what looked like a spell book and said a fire spell but quickly set some things on fire but the maids quickly put it out and lectured him about safety then Rebecca showed out of no where next to klover and smiled then klover walked were no one can see him and Rebecca followed "I wanted to thank you" "thank me for what" "our son you gave him half the strength of two of your magic" "no thanks you required" "no seriously you have our son what he wanted the most since he was a baby" "what what did I give him" "the magic he never stopped nagging and how you never use your powers"Rebecca said as klover was surprised "he knew I had abilities even when I didn't know?" Klover said surprised "yes that's why he always says why don't you use your powers big brother when he was 1" "oh that's what he meant by big bro can you use your powers on some of his clothes to make it cold or warm with my powers a enchantment spell he was talking about" "ya again thank you for letting our son be happy this is the most precious gift I could ever receive my love " as Rebecca says that she starts to shine and parts of her starts to disappear "what's happening" "I guess I wasn't being resurrected sadly but I think i came back for one more thing before I go to the other world waiting for you guys oh but there's one more thing" Rebecca said as she continues to disappear "what is it" "beware of the war with the humans on xalios and beware of the blood red rose as it stands for-" Rebecca said as she disappears and klover tried to stop it but failed and thought 'what does that mean beware of the blood red rose Thorne and beware the war with xalios we are at peace why would they go to war with us' as klover thought then he left "this birthday of David is riddled with stones and sticks but the birthday shall go on