A force of party

As Arthur wakes up he noticed it's past one month so he quickly gets up puts on some clothes and starts to quietly walk towards the door Arthur stops after his pants is tugged and he looked to see who it was and saw a small child not older than 3 "big brother Arthur were are you going" "oh me I- oh I just got to go to lord ash's room" "big brother your a terrible Lier you know that"bathe young boy said as he fights his sleep "Adam..." Arthur said worried on the time then Adam realized he was fixated on the time "fine...go you'll all leave me too same like my parents and sibling I just didn't know you would leave me sooner" adam said while a little bit crying "don't talk like that when we head got you a few months ago I was worried about you...you know what you want to come" Arthur said then Adam stopped crying and looked up and nodded his head yes then as he got up Arthur quickly picked him up and Adam looked at how he was being held and he didn't like it so he quickly got off and went on Arthur's back wrapping his arms around him then Arthur smiled 'poor boy when I heard how they got him I was upset it was a long time ago his parents and siblings had sold him for money the only things he from them is a broken amulet of the god of love and a locket which he claims it has a picture of his family but it broke after he got here saying some mean kids took it and threw it in the water near the bridge then picked him up and threw him and it took a couple of weeks for him to trust and tell us the lord had disposed of the kids he said he did but what I believe they were probably sold back but not alive as the lord doesn't like bully's who are years older then there victim but a lot of people talk and say he cuts them up and eats them but I say who cares they deserved it' "hey can I ask you something big bro" "yes of course" "do you think my parents care about me and will come back" Adam said then as Arthur was holding Adams foot he didn't know that he was squeezing it "big bro your hurting me" Adam said then arthur looked down and stopped "sorry..but do you want the truth or a lie" "truth I'm strong like you brother" "ok..your parents aren't coming back they abandoned you but no worries Adam I- i mean we could be your new family" "really" "yes" "ok and I got another question" "ya what is it" "are you a elf or a human as elf's eye colors are purple and red but your other eye it's a human color" Adam said then Arthur looked surprised at his words "I'm both unlike you I'm a hybrid between elf and humans while your full elf I'm half elf" "oh" Adam said then he noticed Arthur stoping in front of the rooms and Arthur knocked and entered and it was the lord and he looked furious when he saw Adam "what is he doing here"ash said as he stood up and wielded towards Arthur "don't worry lord ash you see he had a nightmare again and I had to " Arthur said then ash stopped "was it those nightmares again Adam " "yes I saw everyone I love...including arthur leave me I was scared" "oh then stay go play with my son he's in the next room " ash said then as Adam got off of Arthur's back he poked Arthur and pointed for him to come down then as Arthur bended down Adam kissed Arthur on the forehead then left but not before leaving a letter and as Arthur opened it said 'don't leave without me big brother' then as Arthur looked up he smiled at Adam and Adam smiled back and as ash noticed he was wondering "what is it between you guys a thing" ash said then Arthur blushed "what the hell no first of all he's like a little brother to me nothing else" Arthur said blushing and weird out "ok then let's get planning for this party " "ok"